Direction and Senses test


One evening, two friends Riya and Priya were talking to each other, with their backs towards each other, sitting in a park. If Riya’s shadow was exactly to the left of her, then which direction was Priya facing?

Answer: Option B


Riya’s shadow fell to her left i.e. towards East (as it was evening). So, Riya was facing South. As Priya had her back towards Riya, hence, Priya was facing North.


One morning after sunrise, Vikram and Shailesh were standing in a lawn with their backs towards each other. Vikram’s shadow fell exactly towards left hand side. Which direction was Shailesh  facing ?

Answer: Option D


Since Vikram’s shadow fell towards left, therefore, Vikram is facing North. So, Shailesh standing with his back towards Vikram, will be facing South.


Raju who is facing east, turns 1000 in the anti-clock-wise direction and then 1450 in the clock-wise direction. Which direction is he facing now?

Answer: Option A



A man walks 5 km toward south and then turns to the right. After walking 3 km he turns to the left and walks 5 km. Now in which direction is he from the starting place?

Answer: Option D


Hence required direction is South-West.


There is a circular field having four doors in North, East, West and South. A person walks 3 meters from the North door. Another person comes out of the South door and walks 9 meter towards East so that he is just able to see the first man. What is the diameter of the field ?

Answer: Option C

I want to go to the Central Market. I moved northwards and after covering some distance turned to left and moved 5 km and reached a crossing. The road infront of me led to Casino while the road to my left led to Miranda College and the road to my right led to the Central Market. In which direction the Central Market is located with reference to starting point ?

Answer: Option B


It is clear from the diagram that Central Market is located to the North-West of the starting point.

A clock is so placed that at 2:00 p.m. the minute hand points towards north-west. In which direction does the hour hand point at 6:00 p.m. ?
Answer: Option D

A person walks 15 km towards north and turns left walks 10 km and turns right walks 15 km and turns right walks 17 km. Then find the distance he is from the starting point and in which direction he is from the starting point?

Answer: Option D


‘A’ is the starting point and ‘E’ is the destination. The distance from A to E is
10 + 17 = 27 km
‘E’ is towards west from A.


Anju started walking positioning his back towards the sun. After, sometime he turned left, then turned right and then towards the left again. In which direction is he going now?

Answer: Option A


Clearly, there are two possible movements of Anju:


One evening, two friends Riya and Priya were talking to each other, with their backs towards each other, sitting in a park. If Riya’s shadow was exactly to the left of her, then which direction was Priya facing?

Answer: Option B


Riya’s shadow fell to her left i.e. towards East (as it was evening). So, Riya was facing South. As Priya had her back towards Riya, hence, Priya was facing North.