Decision Making practice test


Directions (Questions 1 to 10) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Following are the criteria for allotment of residential accommodation by an organisation to its employees.

The employee must:

(1) have completed at least 10 years in this unit of organisation out of which at least 4 years in the supervisory cadre.

(2) not have more than five members in the family.

(3) have at least 5 years of service remaining, the retirement age being 58 years.

(4) not have his/her own house.

(5) not be staying in a house owned by his/her spouse.

In the case of an employee who:

(6) satisfies all other criteria except at (1) above and joined the organisation as a manager, should be referred to the Director, finance.

(7) satisfies all other criteria except at (3) above at present working as a senior manager, is to be referred to the managing Director.

(8) has been transferred from another city, the condition (1) may be waived.

Based on the above criteria and on the basis of the indormation provided in case of each employee in each of the folwwoing questions, you have to decide whether or not, accommodation is to be provided or the case is to be referred to  higher authority.You are nnot to assume anything. All the cases are presented before you as on 31st July 1996.

Mark answer

a – if the employee is to be provided with accommodation

b -if the employee is not to be provided with accommodation

c -if the complete information s regards all the above criteria are not provided in the question

d -if the case is to be referred to the Director,  Finance;

e -if the case is to be referred to the Managing Director.


Question : Deepak Aggarwal has joined the organisation four years back as an Officer.He stays with his wife and two children. Neither he nor his wife owns a house.


Answer: Option C


Condition 1 and 3 are missing


Vishal Kohli stays in a rented house with his wife and three children. His date of birth is 12th July, 1949.He has been working in the organisation for the last twelve years out of which five years as a Manager.

Answer: Option C


condition 4 missing


Dev joined the organisation as manager in 1990 and was 30 years old as on 15th August, 1993. He has four members in his family. Neither he nor his wife owns a house.

Answer: Option A


all conditions of eligibility are satisfied


sumit has recently been transferred from another office and was 53 years old as on 6th February 1996. He has been working in the organisation for the last twenty years out of which ten years as a manager. There are four members in his family. Neither he nor his wife owns a house.

Answer: Option B


Having less than 5 years  of service remaining the candidate does not satisfy condition 3


Sanjay has three members including himself in the family. Neither he nor his wife owns a house. He is a senior manager for the  last four years and has been working in the organisation for the last twelve years. He will be retiring from the organisation in the year 2002.

Answer: Option E


The candidate satisfies conditions 2,3 and 5 and condition 7 instead of 1


Geeta joined the organisation in 1979 when she was twenty-eight years old as an officer. She is unmarried and stays with her mother in a rented house. She does not own a house.

Answer: Option A


All conditions of eligibility are stisfied.


Rakesh has been working in the organisation for the last eight years out of which five years as an officer. He was 52 years old as on 5th may 1994. He stays with his wife and one son. Neither he nor his wife owns a house.

Answer: Option B


condition 1 and 3 are not satisfied


Madhu was promoted as a supervisor five years back after joining the organisation in 1983 as a clerk. She stays with her husband and two children in a rented house and she does not own any house. She was 42 years old as on 23rd April 1995.

Answer: Option A


All conditions of eligibility are satisfied.


Nikunj has been working in this unit for the last 15 years and has one son and two daughters along with his wife in the family. Neither he nor his wife owns a house. His date of birth is 12th January 1954.

Answer: Option C


condition 1 is missing


Prathibha has been working in the organisation for the last ten years out of which five years as an officer. Her date of birth is 18th June 1944. She stays with her husband and three children. Neither she nor her husband owns a house.

Answer: Option A


all conditions of eligibility are satisfied.