Inferences practice test


(Directions:1 -5)

Indian granite industry is in peril in the absence of a uniform policy from the State Governments, despite the thrust given by liberalisation policies of the Union Government in the last two years. Compared to the remarkable progress in the field during the last three years, the absence of matching policies by State Governments had put granite quarry owners and others involved in the industry on the verge of collapse in the international market. The policies differed from state to state, had created problems as far as loyalty, dead rent and duration of lease were concerned.

Question : The granite production is largely controlled by individuals.


Answer: Option A

(Directions: 6-10)

The force of technological change will have an impact on the manufacturing industry. But the real effect will be on the information processing industry like software development, service industries like airlines, insurance and consulting – both technical and managerial, designing and executing jobs. Another feature of technological change by the end of century will be the resistance to change from within and outside the organisations. Satisfactory resolutions will require a high degree of mutual cooperation between Government and Industry, Industry and its users, Management and Unions and within organisations across functions.

Question :The information processing industry has been less amenable to technological change than the manufacturing industry.

Answer: Option D