IBPS CWE clercial cadre Placement-Paper

IBPS CWE clercial cadre question papers exam conduted on December 01  2013 wvening shift General awareness questions with answers.  Some students sharing IBPS clerical CWE questions
IBPS conducted clerical cadere cwe-common written examination on line examination all over india in several venues – 2 shifts morning and evenging shifts.IBPS groupd of particiapted guys share their experiences and memory based questions of IBPS cwe clerical Listen their voice ….. for analyze

Questions and answers of IBPS CWE clerical cadre examination on Decemebr 2013

1)Who is the author of the jungle book

2)Which is highest honor(prize) for literature

3)Which of the following is false for RBI’s policy of implementing fresh(good) Notes(currency)

4)Headquarter of Organization of the prohibition of Chemical weapon is situated at

5)Which of the following is the designation in Air force (Ans was wing commander)

6)The amount of money which bank has to keep with RBI is called

7)Transferring money within two different banks which is done through RBI is called

8)The information of a customer taken during opening an account is for ( 1)cross selling, 2)customer identification)

9)Which organization announces football world cup

10)NREGA is named after

11)Who is the brand ambassador for sanitation

12)Kerala tourism department which uses the line “Gods own country” which was the first country to use it

13)Increasing tourist in India comes under which campaign

14Introduction, document proof given by a customer during opening an account are used for

15)The system in which banks connected can get informtion of any particular customer from any bank is called

16)An company investing more than 10 laks but not less than 2 crore is ?

17). Who is the chief of union women & children welfare? – krishna tithal

18). On which date Hiroshima had suffered? – 6 august

19). Who is the football associated?  Fifa

20). IBA’s means?  Indian Banks Association