SouthIndianBank-SIB Placement-Paper

1. FDI stands for _

(a) Foreign Direct Investment-Answer
(b) Foreign Diverse Investment
(c) Frequent Direct Interest
(d) Follow-up Discreet Intent

2. The following is not a function of the DGFT

(a) DGFT entrusted with the responsibility of implementing various policies regarding trade for example, Foreign Trade Policy.
(b) DGFT is the licensing authority for exporters, importers, and export and import business.
(c) DGFT can prohibit, restrict and regulate exports and imports
(d) DGFT acts as market regulator controlling foreign company stocksAnswer

3. What is Rupee depreciation?

(a) Rupee depreciation means that rupee has become less valu­able with respect to dolllarAnswer
(b) Rupee depreciation means dollar has become less valuable than rupee
(c) Rupee depreciation means a situation when value of rupee is same as euro
(d) Rupee depreciation happens when the combined value of dollar and euro is more than rupee

4. Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) notified that the Commerce Ministry on on 11 January 2012 lowered the minimum export price of onions by $100 a tonne to $150 a tonne.What was the purpose

(a) To enhance import
(b) To boost exportAnswer
(c) To lower prices in the domestic market
(d) To facilitate crop clearance

5. Indirect tax does not include _

(a) Customs
(b) Central Excise
(c) Sales TaxAnswer
(d) Service Tax

6. Telecom Commission, the decision-making body of the Department of Telecommunications recommended a uniform licence fee of what per cent of adjusted gross revenues (AGR) as against the prevalent rate of 6-8 per cent?

(a) 10%
(b) 8%Answer
(c) 5.2%
(d) 9.3%

7. What is the current repo rate (as on January 2012) fixed by the RBI?

(a) 8%
(b) 8.5%Answer
(c) 7.5%
(d) 7%

8. CRISIL is a _

(a) Credit rating agencyAnswer
(b) Employment exchange watchdog
(c) Infrastructure sector guide
(d) Market regulator

9. A committee on mutual funds, constituted by SEBI in december 2011 recommended to the regulator’s board to break down the bifurcation within the fee structure known as expense ratio. Which of the following facts are not true with regard to the above statement?

A. Currently mutual funds are allowed to charge up to 2.25% as expense ratio. fund houses are allowed to accept only 1.25% as asset management charges
B. Funds with large corpuses currently charge 1.55% as expenses charges
C. SEBI was suggested to keep overall scheme expenses unchanged at 2.25% for schemes with assets under management not exceeding Rs 400 crore
D. Expense ratio is more than important in debt schemes where the rate of return is not hig.Answer

(a) 1 & 2
(b) 3 & 4
(c) 1 & 3
(d) Only 2
(e) None of the aboveAnswer

10. The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT) on 5 December 2011 transferred indigenously-developed Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) technology to seven telecom equipment manufacturers. Which of the following facts about the technology is not true?

A. The GPON technology is a pivotal component required for broadband connectivity over optical fibre.
B. C-DOT indigenously designed and developed GPON technology, which can be used to provide triple play (voice, video and data) through fibre-based networks
C. The GPON technology was tested, validated, field-evaluated and made operational in MTNL’s/VSNL’s network in Ajmer (Rajasthan)
D. The technology will help fulfil requirements of major national programmes like the National Optical Fibre Network and the State Wide Area Network

(a) Only 2
(b) Only 3Answer
(c) Only 4
(d) 1 & 2

11. By Public Sector we mean

(a) Government ownership on commerce and tradeAnswer
(b) Capitalist ownership on commerce and trade
(c) Private ownership on trade
(d) None of these

12. IN which list does Economic Planning belong to

(a) Union list
(b) State list
(c) Concurrent listAnswer
(d) Not any specified list

13. _ forms a part of the Interest Rate Policy

(a) Fiscal Policy
(b) Industrial Policy
(c) Monetary PolicyAnswer
(d) None of these

14. The share of road transport in total transport of the country is–

(a) 20%
(b) 40%
(c) 60%
(d) 80%Answer

15. Which percentage of Central Taxes have been recommended by the 12th Finance Commission to be transferred to States ?

(a) 28.5%
(b) 29.5%
(c) 30.5%Answer
(d) 31.5%

16. ‘Customisation’ means __

(a) Tailor-made products for each customerAnswer
(b) Customers selling goods
(c) Tailor-made products for each staff
(d) A selling process
(e) None of these

17. A Marketing Survey is required for __

(a) deciding marketing strategies
(b) deciding Product strategies
(c) deciding pricing strategies
(d) All of theseAnswer
(e) None of these

18. Cross-selling means __

(a) Selling with a cross face
(b) Cross country marketing
(c) Selling other products to existing customersAnswer
(d) Selling to friends

19. Credit cards are used for –

(a) Cash withdrawals
(b) Purchase of air tickets
(c) Purchase of consumable items from retail outlets
(d) All of theseAnswer
(e) None of these

20. 13th Finance Commission has been constituted under the Chairmanship of—

(a) Y. S. P. Thorat
(b) Vijai L. KelkarAnswer
(c) T. S. Vijayan
(d) Laxmi Narayan

21. SEBI is a—

(a) Statutory bodyAnswer
(b) Advisory body
(c) Constitutional body
(d) Non-statutory body

22. Pradhanmantri Bharat Jodo Pariyojna is related to—

(a) Communication
(b) Social Integration
(c) Linking of Rivers
(d) Development of HighwaysAnswer

23. Targeted power capacity addition for 11th plan period is—

(a) 41110 MW
(b) 66463 MWAnswer
(c) 68963 MW
(d) 86283 MW

24. NABARD was established on the recommendation of—

(a) Public Account Committee
(b) Shivaraman CommitteeAnswer
(c) Narsimham Committee
(d) None of these

25. Which company is providing mobile service with name ‘Cell one’ to the consumers ?

(a) MTNL
(b) BSNLAnswer
(c) Reliance Infocom
(d) Bharti Tele

26. VAT is imposed—

(a) Directly on consumer
(b) On final stage of production
(c) On first stage of production
(d) On all stages between production and final saleAnswer

27. Which of these do not grant any tax rebate ?

(a) National Saving Certificate
(b) Indira Vikas PatraAnswer
(c) National Saving Scheme
(d) Public Providend Fund

28. Which of the following is public sector organisation ?

A. FCI Food Corporation of India
B. FCI Fertilizer Corporation of India
C. Cotton Corporation of India
D. Jute Corporation of India

(a) Only 1 and 2
(b) Only 2, 3
(c) Only 3, 4
(d) All of theseAnswer

29. Which bank in India performs duties of Central Bank ?

(a) Central Bank of India
(b) State Bank of India
(c) Reserve Bank of IndiaAnswer
(d) Above (A) and (B)

30. Mixed Economy means—

(a) Co-existence of small and large industries
(b) Promoting both Agriculture and Industries in the economy
(c) Co-existence of public and private sectorsAnswer
(d) Co-existence of rich and poor

31. ‘Smart Money’ is a term used for—

(a) Internet Banking
(b) Credit CardAnswer
(c) Cash with Bank
(d) Cash with Public

32. A CD ROM disk

(a) cannot be erased and rewritten Answer
(b) has more storage capacity than a CD-R
(c) holds less data than a floppy disk
(d) can be written to oniy once
(e) None of the above

33. Storage device found inside the computer.

(a) CD-ROM
(b) Zip Disk
(c) Super Disk
(d) Hard DiskAnswer
(e) None of the above

34. Which of these keys is not on the number keypad?

(a) CtrlAnswer
(b) Del
(c) Enter
(d) NumLock
(e) None of the above

35. The computer monitor is which type of device?

(a) Input
(b) OutputAnswer
(c) Processing
(d) Software
(e) None of the above

36. RAM is and !…., _

(a) volatile, temporaryAnswer
(b) nonvolatile, permanent
(c) nonvolatile, temporary
(d) volatile, permanent
(e) None of the above

37. What menu is selected to cut, copy, and paste?

(a) File
(b) EditAnswer
(c) Too Is
(d) Table
(e) None of the above

38. A device that provides emergency power to your computer, conditions the voltage, and protects against power surges is called a _

(a) PSU = Power Supply Unit
(b) USP = Universal Surge Protector
(c) UPPS = Universal Power Protection and Supply
(d) UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply Answer
(e) None of the above

39. Secondary storage

(a) does not require constant power Answer
(b) does not use magnetic media
(c) consists of four main types of devices
(d) does not store information for later retrieval
(e) None of the above

40. Deleted data remains on a disk until

(a) the data is overwritten
(b) the recycle bin is emptied Answer
(c) a file compression utility is used
(d) the disk is scanned
(e) None of the above

41. What is the term for how words will appear on a page?

(a) text formatting Answer
(b) Character formatting
(c) Point size
(d) Typeface
(e) None of these

42. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as

(a) pulling
(b) pushing
(c) downloadingAnswer
(d) transferring
(e) None of these

43. When sending an e-rnail. the …….. line describes the contents of the message.

(a) subjectAnswer
(b) to
(c) contents
(d) cc
(e) None of these

44. The software that allows users to surf the Internet is called alan

(a) Search engine
(b) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
(c) Multimedia application
(d) Browser Answer
(e) None of these

45. A CD-RW disk

(a) has a faster access than an internal disk
(b) is a form of optical disk, so it can only be written once
(c) holds less data than a floppy disk
(d) can be erased and rewritten Answer
(e) None of these

46. The” first page of a Web site is called the

(a) Home pageAnswer
(b) Index
(c) Java Script
(d) Bookmark
(e) None of these

47. A contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands.

(a) menu bar
(b) toolbarAnswer
(c) window
(d) action bar
(e) None of these

48. Ctrl, shift and alt are called __ keys.

(a) adjustment
(b) functionAnswer
(c) modifier
(d) alphanumeric
(e) None of these

49. Memory unit is one part of __ .

(a) Control unit
(b) Central Processing Unit Answer
(c) Input device
(d) Output device
(e) None of these

50. An example of a telecommunications device is a

(a) keyboard
(b) mouse
(c) printer
(d) modem
(e) None of theseAnswer

51. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?

(a) Keyboard
(b) MouseAnswer
(c) Joystick
(d) Trackball
(e) None of these

52. Which of the following is not an.output device?

(a) Plotter
(b) Printer
(c) Monitor
(d) Touch Screen
(e) None of theseAnswer

53. Every component of your computer is either

(a) software or CPUIRAM
(b) input devices or output devices
(c) application software or, system software
(d) hardware or softwareAnswer
(e) None of these

54. What is an E-mail attachment?

(a) A receipt sent by the recipient
(b) A separate document from another program sent along with an E-mail message Answer
(c) A malicious parasite that feeds off your messages and destroys the contents
(d) A list of CC or BCC recipients
(e) None of these

55. What is correcting errors in a program called?’

(a) Interpreting
(b) Translating
(c) DebuggingAnswer
(d) Compiling
(e) None of these

56. What is the main folder on a storage device called?

(a) Platform
(b) Interface
(c) Root directoryAnswer
(D) Device driver
(E) None of these

57. ‘DOS’ floppy disk does not have—

(a) A Boot Record
(b) A File Allocation Table
(c) A Root Directory
(d) Virtual MemoryAnswer
(e) BIOS

58. The word FIP stands for—

(a) File Translate ProtocolAnswer
(b) File Transit Protocol
(c) File Typing Protocol
(d) File Transfer Protocol
(e) None of these

59. How is power supplied to a low-power USB device?

(a) Through a power cable
(b) From an external power supply
(c) Directly from the computer’s power supply
(d) Through the USB cableAnswer
(e) None of these

60. …………….are used to identify a user who returns to a Website.

(a) CookiesAnswer
(b) Plug-ins
(c) Scripts
(d) ASPs
(e) None of these

61. A proxy server is used for the which of the following?

(a) To provide security against unauthorized users-Answer
(b) To process client requests for web pages
(c) To process client requests for database access
(d) To provide TCP/IP
(e) None of these

62. In the the portion lebelled http is the—

(a) host
(b) domain name
(c) protocolAnswer
(d) top-level domain
(e) None of these

63.The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as the screen—

(a) resolutionAnswer
(b) colour depth
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size
(e) None of these

64. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are example of—

(a) application softwareAnswer
(b) system software
(c) operating system software
(d) platform software
(e) None of these

65. A————is approximately a million bytes.

(a) gigabyte
(b) kilobyte
(c) megabyteAnswer
(d) terabyte
(e) None of these

66. A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not have the

(a) Compiler
(b) Loader
(c) Operating SystemAnswer
(d) Assembler
(e) None of these

67. To view information on the web you must have a

(a) cable modem
(b) web browserAnswer
(c) Domain Name Server
(d) hypertext viewer
(e) None of these

68. What type of computer could be found in a digital watch?

(a) Mainframe computer
(b) Super computer
(c) Embedded computerAnswer
(d) Notebook computer
(e) None of these

69. The arrow keys can be used to

(a) delete text
(b) move the cursor in the text that has already been enteredAnswer
(c) save the document
(d) move the cursor while deleting text
(e) None of these

70. Office LANS, which are scattered geographically on large scale, can be connected by the use of corporate

(a) CAN
(b) LAN
(c) DAN
(d) WANAnswer
(e) TAN

71. Directory in directory is called

(a) Mini directory
(b) Junior directory
(c) Part directory
(d) Sub directoryAnswer
(e) None of these

72. A __ is a microprocessor-based computing device.

(a) personal computerAnswer
(b) mainframe
(c) workstation
(d) server
(e) None of these

73. RAM can be thought of as the __ for the computer’s processor.

(a) factory
(b) operating room
(c) waiting roomAnswer
(d) planning room
(e) None of these

74. One thousand bytes is a __

(a) kilobyteAnswer
(b) megabyte
(c) gigabyte
(d) terabyte
(e) None of these

75. What is the term for how words will appear on a page?

(a) text formatting Answer
(b) Character formatting
(c) Point size
(d) Typeface
(e) None of these

76. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as

(a) pulling
(b) pushing
(c) downloadingAnswer
(d) transferring
(e) None of these

77. When sending an e-rnail. the …….. line describes the contents of the message.

(a) subjectAnswer
(b) to
(c) contents
(d) cc
(e) None of these

78. The software that allows users to surf the Internet is called alan

(a) Search engine
(b) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
(c) Multimedia application
(d) Browser Answer
(e) None of these

79. A CD-RW disk

(a) has a faster access than an internal disk
(b) is a form of optical disk, so it can only be written once
(c) holds less data than a floppy disk
(d) can be erased and rewritten Answer
(e) None of these

80. The” first page of a Web site is called the

(a) Home pageAnswer
(b) Index
(c) Java Script
(d) Bookmark
(e) None of these

81. A contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands.

(a) menu bar
(b) toolbarAnswer
(c) window
(d) action bar
(e) None of these

82. Ctrl, shift and alt are called __ keys.

(a) adjustment
(b) functionAnswer
(c) modifier
(d) alphanumeric
(e) None of these

83. Which ofthe following menu types is also called a drop-down menu?

(a) fly-but
(b) cascading
(c) pop-up Answer
(d) pull-down
(e) None of these

84. Data (information) is stored in computer as

(a) filesAnswer
(b) directories
(c) floppies
(d) matter
(e) None of these

85. Memory unit is one part of __ .

(a) Control unit
(b) Central Processing Unit Answer
(c) Input device
(d) Output device
(e) None of these

86. An example of a telecommunications device is a

(a) keyboard
(b) mouse
(c) printer
(d) modemAnswer
(e) None of these

87. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?

(a) Keyboard
(b) MouseAnswer
(c) Joystick
(d) Trackball
(e) None of these

88. Which of the following is not an.output device?

(a) Plotter
(b) Printer
(c) Monitor
(d) Touch ScreenAnswer
(e) None of these

89. Every component of your computer is either

(a) software or CPUIRAM
(b) input devices or output devices
(c) application software or, system software
(d) hardware or softwareAnswer
(e) None of these

90. What is an E-mail attachment?

(a) A receipt sent by the recipient
(b) A separate document from another program sent along with an E-mail message Answer
(c) A malicious parasite that feeds off your messages and destroys the contents
(d) A list of CC or BCC recipients
(e) None of these

91. What is correcting errors in a program called?’

(a) Interpreting
(b) Translating
(c) DebuggingAnswer
(d) Compiling
(e) None of these

92. What is the main folder on a storage device called?

(a) Platform
(b) Interface
(c) Root directoryAnswer
(d) Device driver
(e) None of these

93. ‘DOS’ floppy disk does not have—

(a) A Boot Record
(b) A File Allocation Table
(c) A Root Directory
(d) Virtual MemoryAnswer
(e) BIOS

94. The word FIP stands for—

(a) File Translate ProtocolAnswer
(b) File Transit Protocol
(c) File Typing Protocol
(d) File Transfer Protocol
(e) None of these

95. How is power supplied to a low-power USB device?

(a) Through a power cable
(b) From an external power supply
(c) Directly from the computer’s power supply
(d) Through the USB cableAnswer
(e) None of these

96. …………….are used to identify a user who returns to a Website.

(a) CookiesAnswer
(b) Plug-ins
(c) Scripts
(d) ASPs
(e) None of these

97. A proxy server is used for the which of the following?

(a) To provide security against unauthorized usersAnswer
(b) To process client requests for web pages
(c) To process client requests for database access
(d) To provide TCP/IP
(e) None of these

98. In the the portion lebelled http is the—

(a) host
(b) domain name
(c) protocolAnswer
(d) top-level domain
(e) None of these

99.The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as the screen—

(a) resolutionAnswer
(b) colour depth
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size
(e) None of these

100. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are example of—

(a) application softwareAnswer
(b) system software
(c) operating system software
(d) platform software
(e) None of these