SAIL Placement-Paper

I appeared for SAIL MT exam on 14 July 2013 in vadodara the only exam centre in Gujarat and one among the seven centres in India.

All an all a good experience not much students appearing for exam in my class there were only seven candidates (the class strength was of 24 candidates).

Infact in one of the classes of mining engineering students there were only six candidates.

Technical Section:

Questions from networking like
Which command is used to check if net connection is active?
Which part of ip is used for subnetting?
Repeaters are part of which layer of networking?
Which address is permanently carved on NIC?
Stop and wait is a type of which type of protocol?
And like that but some were really stranger to me.

Questions from DB
What will drop do?
Then regarding different commands
However no sql querry was asked(strange!).

Questions from OS
Numericals on waiting times calculation(scheduling algorithms) as asked in GATE papers.

Questions from Programming
Brainstorming program to answer but if u love coding u will enjoy.
Basic oop concept questions(around 4 questions )
Which oop concept used for object building?

Section 2
Here grammer was easy.
A paragraph was given on topic ‘Experiment and Experience and difference between the two ‘
Other were fill in the blanks of articles like ‘THE’,’IN’,’ON’.
Also synonyms were asked inthe form of sentence
He PROPELLED the work(some thing like that)
List of words that were synonyms to propelled was given.

G.K was a bit tough Questions like
Which state produced the highest amount of groundnut
Then two rivers (dont remember their name) where do they meet to Ganga?

Quantitative apptitude and reasoning

Mostly questions on
1) Interest Calculation(one on double discount )
3)water Tank(cirstern)
4)interchanging digits of a no,
5)cities(p,q,r,s,t are cities then p in not hill station like that)

Overall It was a good experience one thing I must say there are books on SAIL available in Market.
They will really help you out.
All the Best to all aspirants Hope this will help you.