DRDO-CEPTAM Placement-Paper


Hai friends…… This is RAMPRASAD…..I am written the senior technical assistance’ A’ on METALLURGY (Diploma Based exam on 9/03/2008). In exam most of the questions from the p.p.m, thermo dynamics, physical metallurgy, iron making, heat treatment, foundary technology, nonferrous. Less questions from fuels &refractory, steel making, welding, material testing, mechanical metallurgy.

I am written some question( I am not written total question) and answers(only some ans) . Questions are asked only fundamentals. I think exam is very easy for fresher candates.

Technical questions    —   40 marks
Aptitude questions      —    10 marks

Exam paper total object type questions.
1)pine oils are used in—————–  ans: frothers
2)TTT diagram is also known as——————
a)s-curve   b)c-curve  c)isothermal transformation d)all   ans:d
3)Hyper eutectoid————————-ans: perlite+cemtite
4)In austempring process———formed ans: Bainite
5)gun metalalloy of cu+zn+—— ans: tin
6)In nodular cast iron —-added ans: mg
8)line diffect——————ans: edge dislocation
9)permanent mould casting——-ans: centrifugal casting
10)higest co-ordination number—————ans: h.c.p
11)isobaric at constant————————- ans: pressure
12)when temperature and farenheit are same—-ans:-40
13)acicular structure consists like————–ans: needle like
14)which propertite drawn into wires——– ans: ductility
15)without this can not run the program….. ans: operating system
16)if train going to one station to other station ,first half of the of distance at 40km/hr than next half of the distance at 60km/hr  then find the avg. Speed of train—————km/hr
a) 55  b)50 c)55.2  ans: b
17)pyrometallurgy used on  which process———
a)roasting  b)smelting   c)refining
18)phosperus broze are used—–
a)bearings  b)
19)hot top occurs at——————
a)pigiron molds b) ingot molds c0contonuous molds d) ingot molds
20)decarburizing element—————-
a) c b) ni c)cr d) si
21)pvr occurs at constant ———————-
a)temperature b)pressure c)volume
22)increases the clay containt in the  molding sand then
a)permability increases b) number decreses
23)freely available metal
a)au&ag b)cu&ni

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