DRDO Sample Questions

DRDO Sample Questions

It contained 2 parts PART 1 – pure technical 100 ques. and Part 2 50 Ques.
Part 1 was purely technical but I was hard 2 answer part 2 general Knowledge abt 20-25ques were from maths remaining from general.They collected the question paper back. Iam herewith attaching some of the questions that  noted down at hall.

  1. If 100ns is Memory Access Time & 125 microsec is 1frame period. The no. of line that

    can be supported in a Time Divison Switch is

    a)125 Lines

    b)625 Lines

    c)525 Lines

    d)465 Lines

  2. The no. of edjes in disjoint Hamilton circuit in a complex graph with 17 edges is

    a) 8

    b) 9

    c) 136

    d) 17^2

  3. 15 persons in a club sit every day ina dinner table such that every member has different

    neighbour. This arrangement will last for how many days.

    Assume a system has 16MB cache mean Disk Access Time & cache Access time is 76.5

    ns & 1.5 overall mean Access time us 465ms for each tripling the memory the miss rate is

    halved. The memory required to bring down the mean Access time to 24ns is

    a) 16 MB

    b) 24 MB

    c) 32 MB

    d) 48 MB

  4. Average transfer speed of a i/p serial line is minimum 25,000 Bytes & maximum 60000

    Bytes. Polling Strategy adopted takes 4microsec(whether there is any i/p byte or not). It is

    assured that byte that retrived from controller before next byte arrives are lost. Then the

    maximum safe polling interveal is

    a) 12

    b) 12.33

    c) 12.67

    d) 32

  5. A harddisk has a rotation speed of 4500RPM. then the latency time is

    a) .4

    b) .6

    c) .7

    d) .9

  6. Suppose all elements above the principal diagonal od n x n matix A are zero. If non zero

    elements of the lower triangular Matrix is stored in an array B with A[1][1] stored at

    B[1]. The addressing formula to the nonzero element in A[i][j]=?

    a) A[i][j]

    b) i(j-1)/2 +i

    c) j(i-1)/2 +i

    d) i(i-1)/2 +j

  7. The minumum number of comparisons requied to find the second smallest element in a

    1000 element array is

    a) 1008

    b) 1010

    c) 1999

    d) 2000

  8. The internal path length of a Bonary Tree with 10nodes is 25. The external path length is

    a) 25

    b) 35

    c) 40

    d) 45

  9. Average No. of Comparisons required to sort 3 elements is

    a) 2

    b) 2.33

    c) 2.67

    d) 3

  10. In a switch the mean arrival rate of packets is 800 Packets/sec and the the mean service

    rate is 925 Packets/sec

    a) .008 Sec

    b) .08 sec

    c) .8 sec

    d) 1.1 sec

  11. What is Interface Control Information?
  12. The minumum no. of Multiplications needed to compute x^768 is

    a) 9

    b) 10

    c) 425

    d) 767

  13. Find values for a,b,c,d

    c 1 1 1

    0 a 1 b


    1 0 d 0

    (967)basex = 321base9

    PART II Genreal 50 General Non-Technical[4 Options]

  14. The area of red planet where the Mars Rover Landed?

    In Which Day world Telecom Day Celebrated?

    Laser is used for what?

    a) Treatment of Cancer

    b) Treatment of Eyes

    c) Treatment of Heart

    d) Treatment of Kidney

  15. Which country is not a Member of SAARC

    a) Bangladesh

    b) Myanmar

    c) Maldives

    d) Nepal

    The New Biotechnology Software intorduced by TCS is?

  16. The New Biotechnology Software intorduced by TCS is?
    What is Wi Fi?
  17. Which is the fastest Cruise Missile?
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