Railway Recruitment Boards-Written test Questions wiith answers
JE (SIGNAL) to SE (SIGNAL) Examination
Q1: With the help of a sketch, define station limits for “B” class stations equipped with Two Aspect signalling on single line and double line sections.
Q2: What are the classifications of stations in Indian Railways?
Q3: What do you mean by “Read Back Technique” in Railway signalling? Please cite few examples of this technique being used in your Railway.
Q4: What is the difference between “A” Marker and “A” Board in Railway signalling?
Q6: What do you mean by the “S” Marker and where it is being used in Railway signalling?
Q5: What is the normal aspect of a signal in Automatic signalling territory? Q6: What do you mean by Slip siding and Catch siding? Write down cases when Slip
siding and Catch siding are required to be provided in the Railway system. Q7: In Indian Railways, what are the systems of train working adopted? Please also
mention the name of the most widely used system on Indian Railways.
Q8: Please prepare the locking table for Lever numbers 1, 3, 4, 6 & 7 of the following diagram: –
Q9: What are the essential requirements of the Absolute Block System?
Q10: What are the standards of interlocking prescribed in Railway Signalling? Q11: What are the different classes of LC gates? Please explain.
Q12: What do you mean by the term “Route Holding” in Railway signalling? Please explain the various means to achieve the same.
Q13: What do you mean by “Loose” and “Tight” locking in Railway signalling? Please explain with examples.
Q14: What do you mean by Ballast Resistance? What are the minimum permissible values for the ballast resistance in the station yard and in the Block section?
Q15: What do you mean by the staggering of adjacent track circuit rail polarities and why is this required?
Q16: List the names of various types of traction bonds used in RE area using DC track circuits.
Q17: Write down the adjustment of DC track circuit for failsafe and reliable working.
Q18: What do you mean by Fouling Protection of Track? Please explain.
Q19: What is Dead Section in track circuit area and how can it be eliminated?
Q20: What do you mean by cut section track circuit and/or fed over track circuits?
Q21: Can an AFTC be used in a track section with steel sleepers? Why?
Q22: What do you mean by “End Fed” and “Centre Fed” types of AFTCs along-with corresponding maximum permissible lengths of track circuits? Q23: What are the various types of Bonds being used in AFTCs?
Q24: Please list the names of the constituent parts of a Electrical Lever Lock and its functioning.
Q25:: What do you mean by Indication Locking and Track Locking and on which levers these are being used?
Q26: Explain the working of Snubbing Circuit in Point machine operation using 3-wire control.
Q27: What is the concept of Cross protection in signalling circuits? Please explain.
Q28: Explain the working of 4-wire point detection circuit using circuit diagram.
Q29: What do you mean by super imposed detection of points? As per the latest directives of Railway Board, is it suggested to use this arrangement?
Q30: Write down the general features of IRS Rotary Type point machines with 143 mm stroke.
Q31: Explain the working of Point operation circuit using Siemens Point Contactor unit in an electromechanical installation.
Q32: What do you mean by RHS and LHS turnouts? Can we use the same type of Point machine (IRS Rotary type) for both the turnouts? Please explain.
Q33: ompare different types of conventional signal lamps.
Q34:: What are the different types of ECRs being used with conventional signal
Q35: What are Triple Pole lamps? Describe their merits over Double pole lamps.
Q36: What do you mean by H-Type, I-Type and L-Type signal transformers along-with their uses?
Q37: What is Aspect Control and Aspect Control circuits? Draw an aspect control circuit for an inner distant signal in Double Distant signalling territory.
Q38: What is cascading of signal aspects? Explain with suitable circuit diagram.
Q39: What do you mean by Red Lamp Protection? Expalin with suitable diagrams.
Q40: What do you mean by Cutting in Arrangement in signalling circuits and reason forits use?
Q41: What do you mean by “Direct Feeding”, “Local Feeding” and “Remote Feeding” of signals? Explain.
Q42: Describe the advantages of LED signal Lamps over conventional signal lamps.
Q43: What are the various PVC signal cables used in Railway signalling inSECR? Arethey screened one or not?
Q44: What do you mean by cable meggering? Please explain.