BEL Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions

BEL Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions 

1.What is mechanical engineering?
Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools

2.Explain mechatronics?
Mechatronics refers to the efficient and effective integration of mechanical systems and electronics. It is a blend of mechanics and electronics, and has come to mean the synergistic use of:

precision engineering
control theory
computer science
sensor technology, to design enhanced or “smart” products, processes and systems.

3. what are Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, and Diesel cycle? 
Carnot cycle – Represents most efficient cycle that operates between two fixed temperatures TH and TL
Otto Cycle – Represents ideal cycle for spark-ignition (SI) engines. Ex: Processes in 4-stroke engine cycle
Diesel cycle – Represents ideal compression ignition (CI) engine. Almost similar to Otto cycle

4.Explain simple vapour compression cycle in refrigerator?
Compression refrigeration cycles in general take advantage of the idea that highly compressed fluids at one temperature will tend to get colder when they are allowed to expand. If the pressure change is high enough, then the compressed gas will be hotter than our source of cooling (outside air, for instance) and the expanded gas will be cooler than our desired cold temperature. In this case, we can use it to cool at a low temperature and reject the heat to a high temperature. 

Vapor-compression refrigeration cycles specifically have two additional advantages. First, they exploit the large thermal energy required to change a liquid to a vapor so we can remove lots of heat out of our air-conditioned space. Second, the isothermal nature of the vaporization allows extraction of heat without raising the temperature of the working fluid to the temperature of whatever is being cooled.

5.Which compression is usually used in a/c?
Hermetically sealed reciprocating compressor .

Why don’t CI engine need a spark?
The compression ratio is high enough to combust the diesel without the aid of sparkplugs

What is MPFI, TPFC system?
What are the law of thermodynamics and PMMs?
Which is your favourite car and why?
What is your favourite two-wheeler and why?
During intial start-up,exhaust smoke appears white. why?
What are the common automobile specification?
Define heat exchangers?
Define conduction, convection and radiation?
Explain concept of black body?
Describe the lubrication system in IC engines?
Can poisson’s ratio be negative?
What is bending moment equation and torque equation?
What is crippling load and its equations?
What are principal stresses and strains?
What is Endurance limit?
Draft tube and its application?
What is six sigma?
Where does the future of mechanical engineering lie?
Differentiate between absolute and kinematics viscosity?
What is magnus efect?
Compare the constrctional details of a petrol and diesel engine?
Which gear is used to obtain maximum speed ratio?

BEL General Questions for Civil Engineers

Q: According to you, what is the best design for building bridges?
Q: What are all the new civil construction materials and concepts?
Q: What is softsoil?
Q: Explain your project management?
Q: What are the CAD software versions you have used?
Q: What are some of the different ways to lay a foundation?
Q: Why is a manhole round?
Q: What is earth?

BELGeneral Questions for Mechanical Engineers

Q: Explain about power technology?
Q: How is SAP useful for mechanical engineers?
Q: What are the different types of bearings? What are different types of rivets?
Q: What is the applicability of mechanical engineering in the industry?
Q: Explain Newton’s Laws.
Q: How is a factor of safety used in design?
Q: Interpret a Stress vs. Strain Curve.
Q: What types of equations or theories would be used in Static Failure?
Q: What types of equations would be used in Fatigue Failure?
Q: Which one is more efficient– a four stroke engine or a two stroke? Why?

BEL-General Questions for Electrical Engineers

Q: Why electrical engineering?
Q: What is the difference between earthing and grounding?
Q: Why transistors are not used as switching devices?
Q: Define watt.
Q: How are analog signals converted to digital signals?
Q: Explain the differences between a transistor and capacitor.
Q: Describe the functions of a diode.
Q: Describe the basic elements of an integrated circuit.
Q: What is a UPS?
Q: Describe how energy is stored in an inductor on electronic level.
Q: What is the difference between a Verilog task and a Verilog function?
Q: What is the difference between a Vera task and a Verilog task?

BEL-General Questions for Chemical Engineers

Q: How do you go about mixing two unknown chemicals?
Q: How would you separate water and benzene?
Q: How do you calculate the sonic velocity of a gas stream?
Q: What is unit operation?
Q: What are the effects of oils on the properties of Polyolefins?

BEL General Questions for Computer Science Engineers

Q: Write a function that returns the factorial of a number.
Q: What are data structures?
Q: What are condition statements?
Q: Define exception handling with example.
Q: Name the operating systems you are familiar with.
Q: What is the difference between a bug and a virus?
Q: What is hyper threading (HT technology)?
Q: Which programming language would you choose to make accounting software and why?
Q: What is a database? How does it differ from data marts and data warehouses?
Q: Explain the projects undertaken by you.
Q: Write the code to sort an array of integers.
Q: What is the difference between recursion and iteration?
Q: What are the similarities between recursion and iteration?
Q: What are constructors?

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