FCI previous years solved question for practice

FCI general awareness, current affairs questions with answers, FCI general ability. General intelligence questions with answers,FCI free solved sample placement papers, FCI written test examination questions with answers, FCI previous years solved question for practice, FCI  sample questions for practice FCI ,2011,2012 current affairs and general awareness questions with answers

FCI model questions for practice

1) The Fifth Edition of the World Future Energy Summit was held in
a) Abu Dhabi
b) New Delhi
c) Tehran
d) Dhaka

Ans a

2) Planning Commission of India on January 18,2012 approved Rudrasagar development scheme.The Scheme is related to
a) Tripura
b) Assam
c) Manipur
d) Sikkim

Ans a

3) The Board of approval (BoA) under the Commerce ministry on January 24,2012 approved the proposal of this company to set up a special economics zone( SEZ) at Indore in Madhya Pradesh, Identify the Company ?
a) Reliance Industry
b) Tata Consultancy services( TCS)
c) Hero Motors
d) Infoysys

Ans b

4) Scientists identified a new gene in maize Plants called ?
a) Meg 1
b) Meg 2
c) Meg 3
4) Meg 4

Ans a

5) Researches discovered new earthworm species in Port Blair. What is the name of the new Species ?
a) Moniligaster ivaniosi
b) Annelida
c) Nematoda
d) Onychophora

Ans a

6) Scientists recently developed a new wireless device to detect the Presence of termites. Consider the following statement-
1) when the new device detects the presence of termites,it sends an SMS or email to a pest Control firm.
2) The Device is made of tiny sensor, even smaller than a fingernail
Choose the Right option
a) Both 1 and 2 Correct
b) Only 1 is Correct
c) Only 2 is Correct
d) Neither 1 not 2 is Correct

Ans a

7) According to the draft Sports Policy of this State Govt released on Jan 11,2012, a Special life-time achievement award in memory of G.V.Raja, the Founder-President of the State Sports Council is to be instituted.Which State is being referred to ?
a) karnataka
b) kerala
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Andhra Pradesh

Ans b

8) Which team defeated Uttarakhand in the Men’s category to win the National title for the fourth time, in the 60th Senior national Volleyball Championship at Raipur on Jan 11, 2012 ?
a) Kerala
b) Andhra Pradesh
c) West Bengal
d) Tamil Nadu

Ans a

9) Which team extended their hegemony by defeating Kerala 25-12, 25-14, 25-16 in a one sided final in the women category at the 60th Senior National Volley-ball Championship ?
a) Punjab
b) Services
c) Railways
d) Delhi

Ans c

10) This Footballer was awarded the 2011 FIFA Ballon d’Oran January 9, 2012 in Zurich. He Won the award for the third Consecutive year for the world’s outstanding footballer.Identify the Footballer ?
a) Cristiano Ronaldo
b) Xavi
c) Sergio Ramos
d) Lionel Messi

Ans d

11) State-run Northern Coalfields(NCL) agreed to surrender land required to mine two blocks attached to the Sasan ultra mega power plant to which of the following Companies giving the Company the benefit over Rs 6000 crore over the life of the Venture ?
1) Reliance Power
2) Adani Power
3) Birla Power Solutions
4) DLF Power

Ans a

12) Which car took home the Crown of Indian car of the Year 2012 in Jan 2012
1) Toyota Etios liva
2) Maruti Suzuki Swift
3) Hyundai Verna
4) Hyundai Eon

Ans b
13) As per the Wholesale Price Index, Published by the govt on Jan 16,2012.Reduced food Prices Caused the inflation to dip to a year low at what percent in December 2011 ?
a) 7.47%
b) 7.65%
c) 6.33%
d) 5.41%

Ans c

14) Maldives Authorities allowed male international airport development and insurance charges from passengers,nearly a month after a local court barred the Bangalore-based company from doing so.Name the operator?
a) GMR Infrastructure
b) International Air Transport
c) Fraport AG

Ans a

15) Which French Construction major entered the Indian market by buying out 100 percent stake in NAPC, a Chennai-based construction Company?
a) Sinopec Engineering
b) Uhde
c) Vinci
d) Snamprogetti

Ans c

16) India Signed MOU (Memorandum of Understanding ) on Tourism with ASEAN on January12,2012.The agreement took place in-
a) Manado
b) Jakarta
c) Malaysia
d) Manila

Ans a

17) Pravasi Bhartiya Divas-2012 was held in Jaipur.Jaipur is the Capital of which one of the following states?
a) Rajasthan
b) Bihar
c) UP
d) Madhya Pradesh

Ans a

18) India and Japan on Jan 12,2012 agreed to enhance their cooperation in the …………….. Sector.
a) Infrastructure
b) Tourism
c) Road and Transport
d) Coal and Mining

Ans a

19) He was Conferred the first S.K Singh Award for excellence in the Indian Foreign services in Jan 6,2012. Identify the diplomat
a) Ranjan Mathai
b) Shivshankar Menon
c) D.Bala venkatesh Verma
d) K.Raghunath

Ans c

8) Name the auto making company which launched three new variants of the Eon-D-Lite Plus,Era Plus and Magna Plus in the Indian market on jan 2012 ?
a) Tata Motors
b) Hyundai Motors India
c) Volkswagen
d) Maruti Suzuki

Ans b

20) Who was presented the Mahatma Gandhi International Awards for Peace and Reconciliation on Jan 4,2012 the fourth day of the tenth day Kalachakra initiations ?
a) Tibetan Spiritual leader, Dalai Lama
b) South African leader Nelson Mandela
c) Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere
d) Burmese Pro-democracy leader Aung san suu kyi

Ans a

21) European Union agreed in Principle to ban import of Iranian Crude oil.Consider the following statement:
1) The European Union(EU) is one of Iran’s biggest markets for oil.
2) The EU is a Political and economical union of 27 member states
Choose the Right option
a) Both 1 and 2 are correct
b) Only 1 is Correct
c) Only 2 is Correct
d) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct

Ans a

22) The Israel-Palestine talks, in the first week of Jan 2012 were held in Amman.Amman is the Capital of
a) Jordan
b) Syria
c) Iraq
d) Iran

Ans a

23) Maldives on Jan 4,2012 lifted ban on Spas in the upmarket tourist destination .Consider the following statement:
1) The Tourism industry is an important foreign exchange earner in the Maldives.
2) Maldives in 2011 received more than 850000 tourist
Choose the Right Option
a) Both 1 and 2 are correct
b) Only 1 is Correct
c) Only 2 is Correct
d) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct

Ans a
24) India and which country on March 1,2012,decided to open a new chapter in bilateral cooperation by agreeing to undertake joint operations against pirates and sharing technological know how on seabed research?
1) China
2) Japan
3) Russia
4) New Zealand

Ans 1

25) A meeting at the prime minister office on Feb 29,2012, decided to increase the total expenditure on health to what percent of the GDP from the current 1.4 percent by the end of the coming 12th plan period?
1) 2.0 Percent
2) 2.5 Percent
3) 3.0 Percent
4) 4.0 Percent

Ans 2

26) India and which country recently announced to have resolved their longstanding issues of payments for export shipment?
1) Iran
2) Syria
3) Lebanon
4) Pakistan

Ans 1

27) The indigenously development advanced light-weight torpedo and the Akash missile system was on March 3,2012,handed over to the Navy and the Indian Air force respectively at a function in
1) Visakhapatnam
2) Hyderabad
3) Pune
4) Kolkata

Ans 2

28) The golden Jubilee celebrations of Afro-Asian Rural development organization were held in New Delhi in March 2012.The AARDO president hails from
1) India
2) Egypt
3) Morocco
4) South Africa

Ans 2

29) The National Association of Street vendors of India( NASVI ) and Nidan,an organization that supports unorganized workers,were on March 29,2012 honored with the skoll Award for social entrepreneurship by the skoll foundation in
1) Toronto
2) oxford
3) Paris
4) Frankfurt

Ans 2

30) Union minister for Rural development, Drinking Water and sanitation Jairam Ramesh in March 2012 announced a national award for sanitation and water in the name of Maharashtrian saint sant
1) Romesh Hatangadi
2) Gadge Baba
3) Suresh Bhagwan
4) Shiv sagar Baba

Ans 2

31) Who among the following, on march 11,2012,said he will be “Very Sad” if India boycotts the London Olympics following the row over sponsorship of the event by Dow Chemicals, linked to the Bhopal gas tragedy?
1) Barack Obama
2) David Cameron
3) Manmohan singh
4) Hillary Clinton

Ans 2

32) The high level safety review committee recently submitted its report to the Ministry of railways with a Number of recommendations,who is the chairman of this committee ?
1) C.Rangarajan
2) Lalu Yadav
3) Anil Kakodkar
4) Harish Rawat

Ans 3

33) In an important development on March 12,2012, the supreme court issued notices to nsix ministers and eight Indian Administrative services officers from
1) Andhar Pradesh
2) Karnataka
3) Kerala
4) Tamil Nadu

Ans 1

34) Which of the following was pointed by the union Finanace minister Pranab Mukherjee in March 2012 as one of the major challenges facing public sector banks(PSB) in emerging as potential global tenders?
1) Human Capital deficit
2) Human Capital deficit
3) Innovation deficit
4) Technology deficit

Ans 1

35) The Centre told the Supreme Court in March 2012 that it was Probing into the allegations that the former Chief Justice of India and his relatives amassed assets disproportionate to their Known sources of income.Who is the chief Justice in reference here?
1) K.G.Balakrishna
2) S.H.Kapadia
3) Altamas Kabir
4) Dalveer Bhandari

Ans 1

36) The Functioning of both houses of Parliament was disrupted on March 13,2012,When members demanded that India support the resolution to be moved by—— against sri lanka at the U.N Human Rights Council.
1) U.S.A
2) France
3) Norway
4) All of the above

Ans 4

37) Noted critic Namvar Singh in March 2012 presented the Jnanpith Award to eminent hindi author Amar Kant at a Special ceremony in
1) New Delhi
2) Lucknow
3) Allahabad
4) Patna

Ans 3

38) Increasing the fare for the first time in eight years, the railway budget for 2012-13, presented before the parliament on March 14,2012,envisages how many new trains?
1) 90
2) 113
3) 145
4) 166

Ans 2

39) Okram Ibobi Singh was sworn as chief minister for the third Consecutive term of which state in March 2012?
1) Arunachal Pradesh
2) Nagaland
3) Manipur
4) Tripura

Ans 3

17) Governor Shivraj V.Patil in March 2012 administered the oath of office and secrecy to Parkash Singh Badal,Who took over as the chief minister of Punjab for a record- time
1) Fifth
2) Third
3) Fourth
4) Seventh

Ans 1

40) The finance ministry, on March 15,201, gave it’s nod for the labour and employment ministry to fix the rate of interest payable to EEPF sub-subscribers at which percentage for2011-12?
1) 8.25%
2) 8.75%
3) 9.25%
4) 9.50%

Ans 1

41) The Cabinet of which state in march 2012 decided to give a grant of rS. 30,000 to high school pass Muslims girls for perusing their education and marriage?
1) Uttar Pradesh
2) West Bengal
3) Andhra pradesh
4) Delhi

Ans 1

42) Which of the following Chief ministers of India figures on the cover of the Time magazine in March 2012 which prasied him in an article for the development of the State?
1) Mamta Banarjee
2) Nitish Kumar
3) Ashok Gehlot
4) Narendra Modi.

Ans 4

FCI aptitude and reasoning questions for practice

Q. 1 – 5. What should come in place of question Mark (?) in the following questions?


1.  92.5% of 550 = ?

(1) 506.45

(2) 521.65

(3) 518.55

(4) 508.75  (Ans)

(5) None of these  


2.  124  * 1213 = ?

(1) 127

(2) 1239

(3) 1217 (Ans)

(4) 12-7

(5) None of these   


3.  12.22 + 22.21 + 221.12?

(1) 250.55

(2) 255.50

(3) 250.05

(4) 255.05  

(5) None of these  (Ans)

Explanation : 255.55


4.  464 ÷ (16 * 2.32) = ?

(1) 12.5 (Ans)

(2) 14.5  

(3) 10.5

(4) 8.5

(5) None of these


5.  78 ÷ 5 ÷ 0.5 = ?

(1) 15.6

(2) 31.2 (Ans)

(3) 7.8  

(4) 20.4

(5) None of these


6.  A bus covers a distance of 2,924 kms. in 43 hours. What is the speed of the bus?

(1) 72 kms/hr

(2) 60 kms/hr

(3) 68 kms/hr (Ans)

(4) Cannot be determined   

(5) None of these

Explanation : Speed = D/t


7.  If (9)3 is subtracted from the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 567. What is the number?

(1) 36 (Ans)

(2) 28

(3) 42

(4) 48

(5) None of these   

Explanation : x2 – 93 = 567 ⟹ x = 36

8.  What would be the simple interest obtained on an amount of Rs. 5,760 at the rate of 6 p.c.p.a. after 3 years?

(1) Rs. 1,036.80  (Ans)

(2) Rs. 1,666.80

(3) Rs. 1,336.80

(4) Rs. 1,063.80

(5) None of these

Explanation : S. I. = 5760 * 6 * 3/100  =  Rs. 1036.80


9.   What is 333 times 131?

(1) 46,323

(2) 43,623 (Ans)

(3) 43,290

(4) 42,957

(5) None of these


10.  The product of two successive numbers is 8556. What is the smaller number?

(1) 89

(2) 94

(3) 90

(4) 92 (Ans)

(5) None of these

Explanation :  x(x +1) = 8556 ⟹ x = 92

11.  The owner of an electronics shop charges his customer 22% more than the the cost price. If a customer paid Rs. 10,980 for a DVD Player, then what was the cost price of the DVD Player?

(1) Rs. 8,000

(2) Rs. 8,800

(3) Rs. 9,500

(4) Rs. 9,200

(5) None of these (Ans)

Explanation :  122/100 x =  10980 ⟹ x = Rs. 9000

12.  What would be the compound interest obtained on an amount of Rs. 3,000 at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a after 2 years?

(1) Rs. 501.50

(2) Rs. 499.20 (Ans)

(3) Rs. 495

(4) Rs. 510

(5) None of these

Explanation :  C.I = P |(1+ R/100)n – 1|

= 3000 | (1 + 8/100)2– 1| = Rs. 499.20


13.  What is the least number of be added to 4321 to make it a perfect square?

(1) 32 

(2) 34

(3) 36

(4) 38

(5) None of these (Ans)

Explanation :      

652 < 4321 < 662

Reqd. No. = 662 – 4321 = 35


14.  45% of a number is 255.6. What is 25% of that number?

(1) 162

(2) 132

(3) 152 

(4) 142 (Ans)

(5) None of these

Explanation :  45/100 of x = 255.6  ⟹ x = 255.6 x 100/45

∴  25/100 x 255.6 x 100/45 = 142


15.  Find the average of the following Set of Scores :

221, 231, 441, 359, 665, 525

(1) 399

(2) 428

(3) 407 (Ans)

(4) 415

(5) None of these


16.  If (78)2 is subtracted from the square of the number, the answer so obtained is 6,460. What is the number?

(1) 109

(2) 111

(3) 113

(4) 115

(5) None of these (Ans)

Explanation :  x2 – 782 = 6460  ⟹ x =112

17.  In an examination it is required to get 40% of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 261 marks and is declared failed by 4% marks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?

(1) 700

(2) 730

(3) 745

(4) 765

(5) None of these (Ans)

Explanation :  40/100 x = 261 + 4/100 x   ⟹ x = 725

18.  Pinku, Rinku and Tinku divide an amount of Rs. 4,200 amongst themselves in the ratio of 7 : 8 : 6 respectively. If an amount of Rs. 200 is added to each of their shares, what will be the new respective ratio of their shares of amount?

(1) 8 : 9 : 6

(2) 7 : 9 : 5

(3) 7 : 8 : 6

(4) 8 : 9 : 7 (Ans)

(5) None of these

Explanation : Share of Pinku, Rinku and Tinku in

Rs. 4200  are 7/ 7 + 8 + 6 x 4200, 8/ 21 x 4200, 6/ 21 x 4200 i.e. 1400, Rs. 1600, Rs. 1200

Reqd. ratio

= (1400 + 200) : (1600 + 200) : (1200 + 200)

= 8 : 9 : 7


19.  Ms Suchi deposits an amount of Rs. 24,000 to obtain a simple interest at the rate of 14 p.c.p.a.  for 8 years. What total amount will Ms Suchi get at the end of 8 years?

(1) Rs. 52,080

(2) Rs. 28,000

(3) Rs. 50,880 (Ans)

(4) Rs. 26,880

(5) None of these

Explanation :  Total Amount

= Rs. 24000 + 24000 x 14 x 8/100 = Rs. 50880


20.  The average of 5 consecutive even numbers A, B, C, D and E is 52.  What is the product of B and E?

(1) 2912

(2) 2688

(3) 3024

(4) 2800 (Ans)

(5) None of these

Explanation :  A + B + C + D + E

x + (x + 2) + (x + 4) + (x + 6) + (x + 8)

= 5 x 52  ⟹ x = 48 = A, B = 50

∴ E = 48 + 8 = 56

∴ BE = 50 x 56 = 2800


21.  The difference between 42% of a number and 28% of the same number is 210. What is 59% of that number?

(1) 630

(2) 885 (Ans)

(3) 420

(4) 900

(5) None of these

Explanation : (42 – 28)% of x = 210  ⟹ x = 210 x 100/14  = 1500

∴ 59/100 * 15 = 885


22.  What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? 4275  496 x (21)2 = ?

(1) 3795

(2) 3800 (Ans)

(3) 3810

(4) 3875

(5) 3995

Explanation : Use BODMAS


23.  A canteen requires 112 kgs of wheat for a week. How many kgs of wheat will it require for 69 days?

(1) 1,204 kgs

(2) 1,401 kgs

(3) 1,104 kgs  (Ans)

(4) 1,014 kgs

(5) None of these

Explanation :  112/7 x 69 = 1104 kg

= Reqd. quantity of wheat


24.  If an amount of Rs 41,910 is distributed equally amongst 22 persons. How much amount would each person get?

(1) Rs. 1,905  (Ans)

(2) Rs. 2,000

(3) Rs. 1,885

(4) Rs. 2,105

(5) None of these


25.  The cost of 4 Cell-phones and 7 Digital cameras is Rs 1,25,627. What is the cost of 8 Cell-phones and 14 Digital cameras?

(1) Rs. 2,51,254 (Ans)

(2) Rs. 2,52,627

(3) Rs. 2,25,524

(4) Cannot be determined

(5) None of these

Explanation :   4x + 7y = 125627] x 2

∴ 8x + 14y = 251254


Q. 26-30. Each of the question below consists of a equation and two statement numbered I and II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer:

(1) if the data in Statement I alone are sufficeint to answer the question. while the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

(2) if the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in  Statement I alone  are not sufficient to answer the question.

(3) if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(4) if the data in both the Statement I and Statement II are not sufficient to answer the question.

(5) if the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.


26.  What is the area of the circle?

I. Perimeter of the circle is 88 cms.

II. Diameter of the circle is 28 cms.

(Ans : 3) Explanation :   2πr = 88 ⟹ r = 88/2πr

r = D/2 = 28/2 = 14

Either (i) or (ii) is reqd. A = πr2


27.  What is the rate of interest?

I. Simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 25,000 in two years is less than the compound interest for the same period by Rs. 250.

II. Simple interest accrued in 10 years is equal to the principal.

(Ans : 3) Explanation :   250 = 25000 [(1 + R)2 -1] – 25000 x R x 2

or R = x * 100/ x * 10  =  10%

From either of statement we can find R


28.  What is the number of trees planted in the field in rows and columns?

I. Number of columns is more than the number of rows by 4.

II. Number of trees in each column is an even number.

(Ans : 4)


29.  What is the area of the right-angled triangle?

I. Height of the triangle is three-fourth of the base.

II. Diagonal of the triangle is 5 metres.

(Ans : 5) Explanation :  x2 + [3/4 x]2 = 52 ⟹ x = 4,

h = 3/4 * 4 = 3

Area = 1/2 (x * 3/4 x) = 1/2 (4 *3) = 6 sq. units

Both (i) and (ii) statement are reqd.


30.  What is the father’s present age?

I. Father’s present age is five times the son’s present age.

II. Five years ago the father’s age was fifteen times the son’s age that time.

(Ans : 5) Explanation :  Let son’s present age be x

∴ Father’s present age = 5x

ATS 5x – 5 = 15 (x – 5) ⟹ x = 7

∴ Father’s present age = 35 yrs


Q. 31-35. Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions:


31.  What is the ratio between the profit earned by Company A in 2004 and the profit earned by Company B in 2003 respectively?

(1) 4 : 3

(2) 3 : 2

(3) 3 :4

(4) 2 :3

(5) None of these  (Ans)

Explanation :  40/40 = 1/1


32.  What is the difference (in Crore Rs.) between the total profit earned by Companies E, F and G together in 2003 and the total profit earned by these companies in 2004?

(1) 70

(2) 75

(3) 78

(4) 82

(5) None of these  (Ans)

Explanation :  Diff = (50 + 80 + 60) – (40 + 20 + 50) = 80


33.  What is the ratio between the total profit earned by Company C in 2003 and 2004 together and the total profit earned by Company E in these two years respectively?

(1) 11 : 9 (Ans)

(2) 9 : 10

(3) 10 : 11

(4) 11 : 10

(5) None of these

Explanation :  Reqd ratio = 50 + 60 / 40 + 50 = 11/9


34.  What was the average profit earned by all the companies in 2003? (In Crore Rs Rounded Off to two digits after decimal.)

(1) 52.75

(2) 53.86

(3) 52.86 (Ans)

(4) 53.75

(5) None of these


35.  Profit earned by Company B in 2004 is what per cent of the profit earned by the same company in 2003?

(1) 133.33

(2) 75 (Ans)

(3) 67.66

(4) 75.25

(5) None of these

Explanation :  30 = x% of 40   ⟹ x = 75

Q. 36-40. Study the following table carefully to answer these questions:


IN 2005 AND 2006

STATE 2005 2006
A 12 15 32 7 8 35
B 8 7 18 10 9 20
C 9 10 28 10 12 34
D 10 6 24 8 8 30
E 6 8 30 7 6 32
F 7 5 28 8 7 35

M = Percentage of unemployed Male youth over total population

F = Percentage of unemployed Female youth over total population

T = Total population of the State in lakhs


36.  What was the total number of unemployed youth in State A in 2006?

(1) 2,20,000

(2) 3,25,000

(3) 5,20,000

(4) 5,25,000 (Ans)

(5) None of these


37.  How many female youth were unemployed in State D in 2005?

(1) 14,400

(2) 1,44,000  (Ans)

(3) 1,40,000

(4) 14,000

(5) None of these


38.  Number of unemployed male youth in State A in 2005 was what per cent of the number of unemployed female youth in State E in 2006?

(1) 66

(2) 50

(3) 200 (Ans)

(4) 133

(5) None of these


39.  What was the difference between the number of unemployed male youth in State F in 2005 and the number of unemployed male youth in State A in 2006?

(1) 70,000

(2) 45,000

(3) 68,000

(4) 65,000

(5) None of these  (Ans)

Explanation :  Ans 49000


40.  What was the respective ratio between unemployed male youth in State D in 2005 and the unemployed male youth in State D in 2006?

(1) 1 : 1  (Ans)

(2) 2 : 3

(3) 3 : 2

(4) 4 : 5

(5) None of these

Explanation :  10 * 24 / 100 / 8 * 30/100 = 1 : 1