Dear Friends
I attended Tatainfotech written test on 29th sep 2004 in Bangalore.

The pattern is :
Section 1 : Verbal Time : 08 min    No. of Q’s – 32
Section 2 : letters Time : 10 min    No. of Q’s – 24
Section 3 : Numerical Time : 06 min    No. of Q’s – 32
Section 4 : Reasoning Time : 20 min    No. of Q’s – 20
*Section 5 : graphical Time : 35 min    No. of Q’s – 7
The no. of questions may vary. Time keeping is very important.
Every section has start time and stop time.Once the time is out we cannot go through the previous section.

Section 1 : Verbal
This section had Synonyms
A:guard  B:watching C:roaming D:—    E: —-
going thro’  GRE barrons will work.

Section 2 : letters
This had questions of type
1 : A D C G F ? which is the next in the series?
Ans : J
Before starting this section just write
A B C D—Z in the rough sheet when U R given time to read instructions.

Section 3 : Numerical
This section is a rapid fire round .
We have to work it in mind not with paper.
Simple mathematics with Addition,Multiplication,Division.

Section 4 : Reasoning
This section has questions from aptitude
Distance,Proportion Very simple time keeping is important.

Section 5 : graphical
cutoff : 30/35
This section has 7 flowcharts with 5 Q’s each.
We have to read the question and then observe the flowchart.
Careful observation with logical thinking is enough.
There r empty cells in flowchart numbered 1 Thro’ 5
We have to guess which out of 5 choices exactly fits the cell
|==========|          |===|         |============== |
|select first     |  ——>|   1 |-   —>| IS >4000 & <5000  |——>|
|==========|          |===|         |============== |
In question there are ranges given
IS salary of emp 1 : <4000   – type A
2 : >4000 & <5000 – type B
3 : > 5000 – type C
So in  cell 1 the choice is
a : Is >4000
b :Is =4000
c : Is <4000 Ans
I am unable to give exact questions. Plz bear with it.

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