hello friends, Deloitte had visited our campus ie.VJTI, Mumbai on 30th Nov .

They offered us posting at Mumbai branch only in the role of associate analyst. we will be in consulting in technological integration domain…..

First we had almost 30 mins ppt…very brief and to the point….This was followed by an aptitude test.

Aptitude test was 40 questions n 60 mins…..but the kind sir gave all of us 5 mins extra too……

However the test questions were very different then posted on this site….

They were mainly from verbal n quant section…similar to those that come in cat…. almost 220 people sat for the aptitude test.

1 hr after the aptitude test…list was put up of those short listed for interviews. 43 people were selected at this stage…and I was amongst those lucky few… all those who were selected for interview were put up in diff slots and our interviews began bang on time.

Each one had to give 2 rounds of interview…..

first one was complete technical interview for me…

wherein I was asked simple questions on my proj,  subjects that v had jus studied software engineering) and databases……it lasted for about 20-25 mins.
I had to go on and on…but with confidence…..Questions were like

Tell me about yourself?

Tell us something about your project (mine is on sap)?

how JavaScript can b used?

what is database normalization? etc…

which models you know in se? which would u use in your project?

black box testing, white box testing?

however for many people first round too was complete hr or mixture of technical n hr……it all depended on ur interviewers…..n stuffs u mentioned in ur resume…

next round was hr for me…..

the first thing i was asked was give an elevator speech ( introduction speech- tell me about myself). thn there were few interesting question like tell me how would u estimate the weights of table n chairs in this room?
any challenging situation that you have faced after which u felt a sense of accomplishment?

3 things deloitte wants to convey?

nothing u would like to change in deloitte?

what do you have to offer to deloitte?

which other offers do u have? (i had accenture) n y deloitte? and other similar questions were asked…..this interview also lasted for around 20-25 mins…..

so i was done for the day at 4pm but interviews of my other friends were to b taken…..n our results were announced at 8.30 pm….. and i was amongst the 16 lucky ones selected finally!!!

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