Infosys Test consists two sections

Infosys Test consists two sections

Written Test
Non-Technical Interview (interviewer is a HR )
Written Test
Aptitude Test (30Questions and 40 min)
Verbal Ability (40Questions and 35 min)
Aptitude Test (30Questions and 40 min
5 Questions From Find Next Figure
2 puzzles
5 Questions From Data sufficiency (scoring sec)
5 Question From Data Interpretation (some what difficult when compared to other Question in this sec)
5 Question From Syllogism
Then Second cutoff for this section is 18 out of 30 Question so be clever in answering this section.

Verbal Section
It has 40 Questions to be completed in 30 Mints.
Two very lengthy passage and 5 Question From each passage
15 Question From Sentence Correction (Concentrate on tenses, prepositions, conjunctions)
10 Question From Sentence Completion (Its like fillers)
5 Question From deriving conclusion from small paragraph
Sectional cut off for this section is 20 out off 40 Question

Previously asked questions
1. A boy asks his father, ” what is the age of grand father?”. Father replied ” He is x years old in x^2 years”, and also said, “we are talking about 20th century”. what is the year of birth of grand father?
Ans: 1892

2. A boy travels in a scooter after covering 2/3rd of the distance the wheel got punctured he covered the remaining distance by walk. Walking time is twice that of the time the boy?s riding time. How many times the riding speed as that of the walking speed?
Ans: 4 times.

3. In a Knockout tournament 51 teams are participated, every team thrown out of the tournament if they lost twice. How many matches to be held to choose the winner?
Ans: 101 matches

4. A man sold 2 pens. Initial cost of each pen was Rs. 12. If he sell it together one at 25% profit and another 20% loss. Find the amount of loss or gain, if he sells them seperately.
Ans: 60 Paise gain

5. Find the 3 digit no. whose last digit is the squareroot of the first digit and second digit is the sum of the other two digits.
Ans: 462

6. Meera was playing with her brother using 55 blocks.She gets bored playing and starts arranging the blocks such that the no. of blocks in each row is one less than that in the lower row. Find how many were there in the bottom most row?
Ans: 10

7. Two people are playing with a pair of dies. Instead of numbers, the dies have different colors on theirsides. The first person wins if the same color appears on both the dies and the second person wins if the colors are different. The odds of their winning are equal. If the first dice has 5 red sides and 1 blue side, find the color(s) on the second one.
Ans: 3 Red, 3 Blue

8. A person travels in a car with uniform speed. He observes the milestone,which has 2 digits. After one hour he observes another milestone with same digits reversed. After another hour he observes another milestone with same 2 digits separated by 0. Find the speed of the car?
Ans: 45

9. Three persons A, B &C went for a robbery in different directions and they theft one horse, one mule and one camel. They were caught by the police and when interrogated gave the following statements
A: B has stolen the horse
B: I didn’t rob anything.
C: both A & B are false and B has stolen the mule.
The person who has stolen the horse always tell the truth and
The person who has stolen the camel always tell the lie.
Find who has stolen which animal?
Ans:A- camel
B- mule
C- horse

10. One quarter of the time till now from midnight and half of the time remaining from now up to midnight adds to the present time. What is the present time?
Ans: 9:36AM

11. After world war II three departments did as follows First department gave some tanks to 2nd &3rd departments equal to the number they are having. Then 2nd department gave some tanks to 1st & 3rd departments equal to the number they are having. Then 3rd department gave some tanks to 2nd &1st departments equal to the number they are having. Then each department has 24 tanks. Find the initial number of tanks of each department?
Ans ;

12. A, B, C, D&E are having their birthdays on consecutive days of the week not ecessarily in the same order. A ‘s birthday comes before G’s as many days as B’s birthday comes after E’s. D is older than E by 2 days. This time G’s birthday came on wednesday. Then find the day of each of their birthdays?
Birthday of D on SUNDAY
Birthday of B on MONDAY
Birthday of E on TUESDAY
Birthday of G on WEDNESDAY
Birthday of A on THURSDAY

13. A girl ‘A’ told to her friend about the size and color of a snake she has seen in the beach. It is one of the colors brown/black/green and one of the sizes 35/45/55.
If it were not green or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 45 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
a) What is the color of the snake?
b) What is the length of the snake?
a) brown
b) 55

14. There are 2 pesons each having same amount of marbles in the beginning. after that 1 person gain 20 more from second person n he eventually lose two third of it during the play n the second person now have 4 times marble of what 1st person is having now. find out how much marble did each had in the beginning.
ANSWER – 100 each

15. A lady was out for shopping. she spent half of her money in buying A and gave 1 doller to bagger. futher she spent half of her remaining money and gave 2 doller to charity. futher she spent half of remaining money n gave 3 dollor to some childrans. now she has left with 1 doller. how much she had in the beginning?
Ans $42

16. There are certain diamonds in a shop.
1 thief stole half of diamonds and 2 more.
2 thief stole half of remaining and 2 more
3. same as above
4 same as above.
5 came nothing was left for many diamonds was there???
Ans 60 diamond

17. There are three frens A B C.
1. Either A or B is oldest
2. Either C is oldest or A is youngest.
Who is Youngest and who is Oldest?
Ans A is youngest n B is oldest.

18. Father says my son is five times older than my daughter. my wife is 5 times older that my son. I am twice old from my wife and altogether (sum of our ages) is equal to my mother ‘s age and she is celebrating her 81 birthday. so what is my son’s age?
Ans – 5 years.

19. In Mulund, the shoe store is closed every Monday, the boutique is closed every Tuesday, the grocery store is closed every Thursday and the bank is open only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Everything is closed on Sunday.
One day A, B, C and D went shopping together, each with a different place to go. They made the following statements:
A D and I wanted to go earlier in the week but there wasn?t day when we could both take care of our errands.
B I did not want to come today but tomorrow I will not be able to do what I want to do.
C I could have gone yesterday or the day before just as well as today.
D Either yesterday or tomorrow would have suited me.
Which place did each person visit ?

20. 5 hunters Doe, Deer, Hare, Boarand Row kill 5 animals. Each hunter kills an animal that does not correspond to his name. Also each hunter misses a different animal which again does not correspond to his name.
a) The Deer is killed by the hunter, known by the name of the animal killed by Boar.
b) Doe is killed by the hunter, known by name of animal missed by Hare.
c) The Deer was disappointed to kill only a Hare and missed the Roe.

21. A local forecast service has accuracy of 2/3 says No rain , and Meteriological service having accuracy of 4/3 says Rain. if Preference is as no rain what is the chance of rain?

22. a) 10 1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 5 6 4 7 3 8 2 _ _
b) 2 4 16 512 _
Write the next elements in the series.

23. A Man is sitting in the last coach of train could not find a seat, so he starts walking to the front coach ,he walks for 5 min and reaches front coach. Not finding a seat he walks back to last coach and when he reaches there, train had completed 5 miles. What is the speed of the train.

24. The Old car of Mary requires tyres to be changed after each 24000 km. If she wants to go for 42000 km journey then how many minimum number of tyres she will need.

25. A coin is so unbalanced that it may come both heads in 2 tosses as it may come tails in a single toss. What is the probabality of getting a head in a single toss.

27. A pen, pencil and eraser together cost $1.00. if 2E2P, and 3P>4E then what a single pen will cost?

28. A local forecast service has accuracy of 2/3 says No rain , and Meteriological service having accuracy of 4/3 says Rain. if Preference is as no rain what is the chance of rain?

29. Sherlock holmes thrwated the plan to kidnapp Mrs mary when they were questioned Mercy and his two associated shipy and rany.when they were telling the story one of them told one thing wrong and other true, the other told both true, and the last told both false. examining the following tell the roles played by each
Mercy:: 1) i wrote the ransome note
2) shipy broke into the window
rany 1) shipy wrote the ransome note
2) mercy ran away with the lady
shipy 1)i broke into the window
2)rany wrote the ran some note.

30. Tom asked kim did you like the stamps? She said yes ,me and rob too liked them. Kim again said that rob got 3 more than he would have got, if i would have kept 2 more than, what he got. Tom asked how many u gave Rob? She replied 2 more than what I got. Tell, how many stamps each rob and kim got?

31. The virgo club members used to meet every week to play cards. Each time they used to seat around a round table and for their memory they used all the possiblecombinations of postions each for a single time only. Can you tell for how many times they met?

Essays Asked
If you are given a chance to change a thing in you hometown, what would you change? Give examples why you want to do so.
Television is creating a communication gap among young generation.
32. A person needs 6 steps to cover a distance of one slab. If he increases his foot length (step length) by 3 inches he needs only 5 steps to cover the slabs length. What is the length of the each slab.
Ans: 31 inches.

33. There are 19 red balls and one black ball. Ten balls are put in one jar and the remaining 10 are put in another jar. What is the possibility that the black is in the right jar.
Ans: 1/2.

34. There is one lily in the pond on 1st june. There are two in the pond on 2nd june . There are four on3rd june and so on. The pond is full with lilies by the end of the june.
(i) On which date the pond is half full?
Ans: 29th. –the june has 30 days).
ii) If we start with 2 lilies on 1st june when will be the pond be full with lilies.
Ans: 29th June.

35. A lorry starts from Banglore to Mysore at 6.00 A.M, 7.00 A.M, 8.00 am…..10 pm. Similarly one another starts from Mysore to Banglore at 6.00 am,7.00 am, 8.00 am…..10.00pm. A lorry takes 9 hours to travel from Banglore to Mysore and vice versa.
(i) A lorry which has started at 6.00 am will cross how many lorries. Ans: 10.
(ii) A lorry which had started at 6.00pm will cross how many lorries. Ans: 14.

36. A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a particular time . One day he is late by 25 minutes, and he meets the train 5 k.m. before the station. If his speed is 12 kmph, what is the speed of the train.
Ans: 60 kmph. Refer–Shakuntala Devi Book.

37. A theif steals half the total no of loaves of bread plus 1/2 loaf from a backery. A second theif steals half the remaing no of loaves plus 1/2 loaf and so on. After the 5th theif has stolen there are no more loaves left in the backery. What was the total no of loaves did the backery have at the biggining.
Ans: 31.

38. A gardener plants 100 meters towards east, next 100 meters towards north,next 100 meters towards west. 98 meters towards east, 96 meters towards north and 96 meters towards west, 94 meters towards south. and 94 meters towards east and so on. If a person walks between the trees what is the total distance travelled by him before he reaches the center.
Ans: |—————| | | | | | | | ——–|- | ———————| -.

39. From a vessel, 1/3rd of the liquid evaporates on the first day. On the second day 3/4th of the remaining liquid evaporates. What fraction of the volume is present at the end of the second day.
Ans: 50%.

40. There is a 4 inch cube painted on all sides. This is cut down into of 1 inch cubes. What is the no of cubes which have no pointed sides?
Ans: 8.

1) If a die has 1,6 and 3,4 and 2,5 opposite each other how many such dies can be made.

2) There are three boxes , In one box Two white balls , In two box 2 black balls In three box 1 white &1 black
The lables on the boxes are not correct.Then you have to open one box and to find the colour of the balls in all boxes.
Solution: Open the box labled black& white If white balls are there then the box labled with white balls
contain black balls and labled with black balls contain one black and one white ball and viceversa
if two black ballsare there.

3) there are containing 5 , 7 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 29 balls of either red or blue in colour. Some boxes contain only red balls and others contain only blue . One sales man sold one box out of them and then he says ” I have the same number of red balls left out as that of blue “.
Which box is the one he solds out ?
Ans : total no of balls = 89 and (89-29 /2 = 60/2 = 30
and also 14 + 16 = 5 + 7 + 18 = 30

4) A chain is broken into three pieces of equal lenths containing 3 links each. It is taken to a backsmith to join into a single continuous one . How many links are to to be opened to make it ? Ans : 2.

5) when the actual time pass 1hr wall clock is 10 min behind it when 1 hr is shown by wall clock, table clock shows 10 min ahead of it when table clock shows 1 hr the alarm clock goes 5min behind it, when alarm clock goes 1 hr wrist watch is 5 min ahead of it assuming that all clocks are correct with actual time at 12 noon what will be time shown by wrist watch after 6 hr


(n X 60 )50/60 X 70/60 X 55/60 X 65/60

6) complete the following
a. $ * * $ @ * ? ?
# @ @ # # $ ? ? some what simillar like this…but not clear.
b. 1 , 3 , 7 , 13 , 21 , __ , 43
c. 1, 3, 9, __ , 16900
Ans : 31

7) A girl took part in a (some) game with many others in a circular closed circuit. After pedaling for several minutes, he found that 1/3th of the cyclists ahead of her and 3/4th of the cyclists behind him together formed the total no. of participants. How many were participating in the race?
OF all pets i have, except 2 all are rabbits
OF all pets i have, except 2 all are fish
OF all pets i have, except 2 all are cats
How many rabbits, fish and cats are there?

9) given
carpenter + painter = 1100
painter + electrician = 3200
electrician + plumber = 5100
plumber + mason = 2200
mason + labour = 3000
labour + painter = 1100
find every person’s cash? (i dont know the exact amount mentioned above.)

7) out of 30 questions, the three persons A,B & C answered 45 correct answers, B answered 55% of A, B and C together answered 25 % more of what A answered.
Find how many answers each answered?
Jim,Bud and sam were rounded up by the police yesterday. because one of them was suspected of having robbed the local bank. The three suspects made the following statements under intensive questioning.
Jim: I’m innocent
Bud: I’m innocent
Sam: Bud is the guilty one.
If only one of the statements turned out to be true, who robbed the bank?

9) There are two containers on a table. A and B . A is half full of wine, while B, which is twice A’s size, is onequarter full of wine . Both containers are filled with water and the contents are poured into a third container C. What portion of container C’s mixture is wine ?

10) A wall clock loses 10 minutes every 1 hour. In 1 hour by the wall clock , a table clock gets 10 minutes ahead of it. In 1 hour by the table clock an alarm clock falls 5 minutes behind it. In 1 hour of the alarm clock, a wristwatch gets 5 minutes ahead it. At noon, all 4 timepieces were set correctly. To the nearest minutes, what time will the wrist show when the correct time is 6 p.m. on the same day ?

11) “You see,” said Mrs.Murphy,”Paddy is now one and one-third times as old as he was when he took to drink, and little Jimmy, who was forty months old when paddy took to drink is now two years more than half as old as I was when Paddy took to drink , so when little Jimmy is as old as Paddy was when he took to drink.our three ages combined will amount to just one hundred years” How old is little Jimmy?

12) Both the Allens and the Smiths have two young sons under eleven. The name of the boys whose ages rounded off to the nearest year are all different are Arthur, Bert, Carl and David . Taking the ages of the boys only to the nearest year , the following staements are true
* Arthur is three years younger than his brother
* Bert is the oldest
* Carl is half as old as one of the allen boys
* David is five years older than the younger smith boy
* the total ages of the boys in each family differ by the same amount
today as they did five years ago
How old is each boy and what is each boys family name.

13) In a certain organization there are either men eligible to serve on a eligible to serve on a newly established committee of four. The selection of the members is not an easy matter , however for there are jealousies and attachments among the candidates which prevents a free choice of four committeemen, if you were the president of the organization could you select a committee of four satisfying all these whims?
* Ames will serve with anybody
* Brown won’t serve unless Clayton serves
* Clayton won’t serve with Evans
* Davis won’t serve without hughes
* Evans will serve with anybody
* French won’t serve with Davis unless Grant serves too, and won’t serve with Clayton unless Davis also serves
* Grant wont serve with both Brown and Clayton and wont serve with either Ames or Evens
* Hughes wont serve unless either Brown or French serves and wont serve with Clayton unless Grant serves too and wont serve with both Ames and Evans

14) An artist has exactly seven paintings — ,T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z — from which she must choose exactly five to be in an exhibit. Any combination is acceptable provided it meets the following conditions:
* If T is chosen , X cannot be chosen
* If U is chosen , Y must also be chosen
* If V is chosen , X must also be chosen
15) Which one of hte following is an aceptable combination of paintings for inclusion in the exhibit?
A. T,U,V,X,Y
B. T,U,V,Y,Z
C. T,W,X,Y,Z
D. U,V,W,Y,Z
E. U,V,W,Z,Y

16) If painting T is chosen to be among the paintings included int he exhibit which one of the following cannot be chosen to be among the paintings included in the exhibit?
A. U
B. V
C. W
D. Y
E. Z

77) Which one of the following substitutions can the artist always make without violating restrictions affecting the combination of paintings given that the painting mentioned first was not, and the painting mentioned first was not, and the painting mentioned second was, originally going to be chosen ?
A. T replaces V
B. U replaces Y
C. V replaces X
D. W replaces Y
E. Z replaces W

18) If the artist chooses painting V to be included among the paintings in the exhibit, which one of the following must be true of that combination of paintings?
A. T is not chosen
B. Y is not chosen
C. U is chosen
D. W is chosen
E. Z is chosen

19) Yesterday my mother asked me to buy some stamps. Stamps are available in 2 paise,7paise,10paise,15paise and 20paise denominations. For three types of stamps I was asked to buy five of each. For the other two types of stamps. I was asked to buy six of each. Unfortunately I forgot which I was supposed to buy five of and which to buy six of Luckly my mother had given me the exact money required to buy the stamps , Rs. 3.00 and the shopkeeper was able to give me the correct stamps. Which stamps did I buy?

20) Farmer Jones sold a pair of cows for Rs. 210 , On one he made a profit of ten percent and on the other he lost ten percent. Altogether he made a profit of five percent. How many did each cow originally cost him?

21) Meera was playing with her brother using 55 blocks.She gets bored playing and starts arranging the blocks such that the no. of blocks in each row is one less than that in the lower row. Find how many were there in the bottom most row?

22) Rahul took part in a cycling game with many others in a circular closed circuit. After pedaling for several minutes, he found that 1/5th of the cyclists ahead of him and 5/6th of the cyclists behind him together formed the total no. of participants. How many were participating in the race?

23) Tom wants to catch a hare. He is standing 250 yards south from the hare. The hare starts moving due east.Tom, instead of moving in the northeast direction,moves in such a way that at every instant, he is goingtowards the hare. If speed of tom is one and one-third times that of the hare, find the distance each traveled before he caught the hare.

24) Two people are playing with a pair of dies. Instead of numbers, the dies have different colors on their sides. The first person wins if the same color appears on both the dies and the second person wins if the colors are different. The odds of their winning are equal. If the first dice has 5 red sides and 1 blue side, find the color(s) on the second one.

25) A company’s director said during the board meeting: ” The company’s income from roads will be sufficient to pay 6% of the entire stock issue, but since we are paying 7.5% interest on the preferred stock of Rs.4, 000,000 we are able to pay only 5% of the common stock”. Find the value of the common stock.

26) Mr. ANYMAN left ANYTOWN by car to attend a wedding at ANYCITY. He had been driving for exactly two hours when the car got punctured. It took his driver exactly ten minutes to change the wheel. In order to play safe they covered the remaining distance at a speed of 30 mph. consequently, Mr. ANYMAN was at wedding half an- hour behind schedule. Had the car got the puncture only 30 miles later , I would have been only FIFTEEN minutes late he told the driver . How Far is ANYCITY from ANYTOWN.
Ans: 120 miles

27) Alpha, Beta , gamma, delta and epsilon are friends and have birthdays on consecutive days though may not be in order. Gamma is as many days old to Alpha as Beta is younger to Epsilon. Delta is two days older then Epsilon. Gamma’s Birthday is on Wednesday. Tell whose birthday is when.
Alpha: Friday
Beta : Saturday
Gamma: Wednesday
Delta: Tuesday
Epsilon: Thursday

28) The quarter of the time from midnight to present time added to the half of the time from the present to midnight gives the present time. What is the present time?
Ans: 9hrs past 36 minutes AM

29) A man is going to a wedding party. He travels for 2hrs when he gets a puncture. Changing tyres takes 10mins. The rest of the journey he travels at 30 miles/hr. He reaches 30mins behind schedule. He thinks to himself that if the puncture had occurred 30miles later, he would have been only 15mins late. Find the total distance traveled by the man

30) After world war II three departments did as follows First department gave some tanks to 2nd &3rd departments equal tothe number they are having. Then 2nd department gave some tanks to 1st & 3rd departments equal to the number they are having. Then 3rd department gave some tanks to 2nd &1st departments equal to the number they are having. Then each department has 24 tanks. Find the initial number of tanks of each department?
Ans ; A-39 B-21 C-12

31) A girl ‘A’ told to her friend about the size and color of a snake she has seen in the beach. It is one of the colors brown/black/green and one of the sizes 35/45/55.
If it were not green or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 45 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
a) What is the color of the snake?
b) What is the length of the snake?
Ans: a) brown b) 55

32) A man was on his way to a marriage in a car with a constant speed. After 2 hours one of the tier is punctured and it took 10 minutes to replace it. After that they traveled with a speed of 30 miles/hr and reached the marriage 30 minutes late to the scheduled time. The driver told that they would be late by 15 minutes only if the 10 minutes was not waste. Find the distance between the two towns?

33) Three clocks where set to true time. First run with the exact time. Second slows one minute/day. Third gains one minute/day. After how many days they will show true time.

34) There were some containers of quantity 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 15, 22, 24, 38 liters. Each was filled with some liquid except one. The liquids are milk, water and oil. Quantity of each was like this. Water = 2* milk oil = 2* water. Find out which container was empty and containers filled with milk and oil.

35) Two travelers, one with 64 barrels of wine, other with 20 barrels of wine. They don’t have enough money to pay duty for the same. First traveler pays 40 francs and gives his 5 barrels, Second traveler gives his 2 barrels but gets 40 francs in exchange. What’s value of each barrel, and duty for each barrel?
Ans: Value of each barrel-120 francs, Duty on each-10 francs

36) What is Ann’s relation with her husband’s mother’s only daughter-in-law’s sister’s husband?
Ans: Brother-in-law

37) Some guy holding a glass of wine in his hand looking around in the room says, “This is same as it was four years ago, how old are your two kids now?” Other guy says “Three now, Pam had one more in the meanwhile.” Pam says, “If you multiply their ages, answer is 96 and if you add the ages of first two kids, addition is same as our house number.” The first guy says, “You are very smart but that doesn’t tell me their ages.” Pam says, “It’s very simple, just think.” What are the ages of three kids?
Ans: 8, 6, 2

38) A motor cyclist participant of a race says “We drove with the speed of 10 miles an hour one way, but while returning because of less traffic we drove on the same route with 15 miles per hour.” What was their average speed in the whole journey?
Ans: 12 miles per hour

39) Given following sequence, find the next term in the series:
(i) 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 12, 20, 16, ____ Ans: 12
(ii) 3, 6, 13, 26, 33, 66, ___ Ans: 53

40) Three customers want haircut and a shave. In a saloon, two barbers operate at same speed. They take quarter of an hour for the haircut and 5 mins for the shave. How quickly can they finish the haircut and shave of these three customers?
Ans: 30 minutes

41) A shopkeeper likes to arrange and rearrange his collection of stamps. He arranges them sometimes in pair, sometimes in bundle of three, sometimes in bundle of fours, occasionally in bundle of fives and sixes. Every time he’s left with one stamp in hand after arrangement in bundles. But if he arranges in the bundle of seven, he’s not left with any stamp. How many stamps does a shopkeeper have?
Ans: 301

42) Three different types of objects in a bucket. How many times does one need to select object from the bucket to get atleast 3 objects of the same type?
Ans: 7

43) A stamp collector has the habit to arrange or rearrange the stamps accordingly. while doing this he some times keeps the stamps in pairs, or in group of 3 or in 4 or in or in 6 and realises that in any case he is left with 1 stamp and when he arranges them in groups of 7 no stamps remain. what is the number of stamps he has?

44) amy while walkin down the street with her daughter, meets her husband’s mother’s only duaghter in law’s sister’s husband. how is the related to her?

45) there are 3 custoners who wants to take a hair cut and shave. there are 2 barbers who takes one quarter of an hour for a hair cut, and 5 minutes for a shave. both the barbers want to finish off and go quickly to their homes. in what time can do it.

46) we travelled to a place at the rate of 10 miles per hour and offcourse returned the same way, but owing to less traffic at the rate of 15 miles per hour.what was our relative speed.

47) there are 3 types of apples in a box. what is the number of apples we should take so that we end up with 3 apples of one kind.

48) a).3,6,13,26,33,66,_ b).0, 1,2,13 ,6,33 ,12, 63,20, 103,_

49) Each alphabet A,B.. Z is a constant.A=1,B=2,C=3^2,D=4^9 n so on.Each letter is assigned a value -the position of that letter raised to the value of preceding alphabet.(C = 3 ^B,D= 4 ^ C n so on) Compute the numerical value of (X-A)(X-B)(X-C)….(X-Y)(X-Z).

50) Mr. T has a wrong weighing pan.One arm is lengthier than other.1 kilogram on left balances 8 melons on right.1 kilogram on right balances 2 melons on left.If all melons are equal in weight,what is the weight of a single melon?

.. Joe’s age , Joe’s sister’s age and Joe’s fathers age sums up to a century. When sox s as old as his father, Joe’s sister will be twice as old as now. When Joe is as old as his father then his father is twice as old as when his sister was as old as her father

Ans: Joe=20 sister=30 father=50

2. At 6’o clock clock ticks 6 times. The time between first and last ticks was 30sec. How much time it takes at 12’o clock.?
Ans. 66 sec. 2 marks.

3. Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total no.of remaining bullets is equal to that of one has after division. Find the original number divided.
Ans: 18

4. A ship went on a voyage after 180 miles a plane started with 10 times speed that of the ship. Find the distance when they meet from starting point.
Ans: 200

5. A man sold two cows for Rs. 210 at a total profit of 5 %. He sold one cow at a loss of 10% and another at a profit of 10%. What is the price of each cow?
Ans: Rs. 150 and Rs. 50
Questions 11- 15 are to be answered on the following data
A causes B or C, but not both, F occurs only if B occurs, D occurs if B or C occurs,E occurs only if C occurs, J occurs only if E or F occurs, D causes G, H or both, H occurs if E occurs, G occurs if F occurs
11. If A occurs which of the following must occurs
I. F and G
II. E and H

(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) III only
(d) I,II, & III
(e) I & II (or) II & III but not both
Ans. (e)

12. If B occurs which must occur
(a) D
(b) D and G
(c) G and H
(d) F and G
(e) J
Ans. (a)

13. If J occurs which must have occurred
(a) E
(b) either B or C
(c) both E & F
(d) B
(e) both B & C
Ans. (b)

14. Which may occurs as a result of cause not mentioned
I. D
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) I & II
(d) II & III
(e) I,II & III
Ans. (c)

15. E occurs which one cannot occurs
(a) A
(b) F
(c) D
(d) C
Ans: (b)

Directions16-20: Each problem consists of a problem followed by two statements. Decide whether the data in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Select your answer according to whether:
(A) statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(B) statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(C) both statements taken together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient
(D) each statement alone is sufficient
(E) statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to answer the question
16. Is x > 0 ?
-2x < 0
x³ > 0

Ans: D

17. A certain straight corridor has four doors, A, B, C and D (in that order) leading off from the same side. How far apart are doors B and C?
The distance between doors B and D is 10 meters. The distance between A and C is 12 meters.

18. Given that x and y are real numbers, what is the value of x + y ?
(x² – y²) / (x-y) = 7
(x + y)² = 49
Ans: A

19. Two socks are to be picked at random from a drawer containing only black and white socks. What is the probability that both are white? The probability of the first sock being black is 1/3. There are 24 white socks in the drawer.

20. A bucket was placed under a dripping tap which was dripping at a uniform rate. At what time was the bucket full? The bucket was put in place at 2pm. The bucket was half full at 6pm and three-quarters full at 8pm.

Directions (Question 21-25 ) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Rohit, Kunal, Ashish and John are students of a school. Three of them stay far from the school and one near it. Two study in class IV, one in class V and one in class VI. They study Hindi, mathematics, Social Science . One is good at all the four subjects while another weak in all of these. Rohit stays far from the school and good at Mathematics only while Kunal is weak in Mathematics only and stays close to the school. Neither of these two nor Ashish studies in class VI. One who is good at all the subjects studies in class V.
21. Name of the boy who is good at all the subjects.
A) Rohit
B) Kunal
C) Ashish
D) John
Ans: C

22. Name the boy who is weak in all the subjects
A) Rohit
B) Kunal
C) Ashish
D) John
Ans: D

23. Which two boys are good at Hindi
A) Rohit and Kunal
B) Kunal and Ashish
C) Ashish and John
D) John and Rohit
Ans: B

24. Which two boys are good at Mathematics
A) Rohit and Ashish
B) Kunal and Ashish
C) John and Ashish
D) Rohit and John
Ans: A

25. Other than Rohit and the boy good at all the subjects, who else stays far from the school?
A) Rohit
B) Kunal
C) Ashish
D) John
Ans: D

Directions 26-30 :The table above shows imports for three types of steel over a six month period. Use this information to answer the following questions
26. Which month showed the largest decrease in total imports over the previous month?
A. Feb
B. Mar
C. Apr
D. May
E. Jun
Ans. B
27. What was the total value of sheet steel (in $) imported over the 6 month period?
A. 56,750
B. 75,300
C. 55,550
D. 42,370
E. 44,750
Ans. C

28. What was the percentage of scrap steel imported in the 6 month period?
B. 35.2
C. 36.1
D. 31.2
E. 38.3
Ans. D
29. What was the difference (in thousands of tons) between coil steel and sheet steel imports in the first 3 months of the year?
A. 10
B. 16
C. 18
D. 19
E. 20
Ans. E
30. What was the approximate ratio of sheet steel and coil steel imports in the first 3 months of the year?
A. 11:9
B. 8:9
C. 7:11
D. 3:8
E. 7:4
Ans. A

Verbal Ability Test (40 Questions in 35 minutes)

Directions for Questions 1-5: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage
A snow leopard roars in the high mountains of Asia. A black rhinoceros gallops across the plains of Africa. A grizzly bear hunts for fish in a North American river. A mother blue whale and her calf glide through the deep waters of the ocean. All of these animals share the Earth with us. They fascinate us with their beauty, their grace, and their speed. We love observing their behavior, and learning more about their habits. But just loving them is not enough. All of these animals are endangered. Many of them have died, and without special care, they may someday disappear from the Earth. Why is it important to care for animals like these? One reason is to protect the balance of life on Earth. Another reason is the beauty of the animals themselves. Each species of animal is special. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. Africa was once filled with an abundance of wild animals. But that is changing fast. One of these animals, the black rhinoceros, lives on the plains of Africa. It has very poor eyesight and a very bad temper! Even though the black rhino is powerful, and can be dangerous, its strength can’t always help it to escape hunters. Some people think that the rhino’s horn has magical powers, and many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns. This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list. The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa. It once had no natural enemies, but is now endangered—killed for its ivory tusks. The fastest land animal, the cheetah, also lives in Africa. It, too, is becoming extinct as people take over more and more of the land that is the cheetah’s natural habitat. Imagine Africa without the powerful rhino, the gentle, intelligent elephant, or the lightning quick cheetah. Once they are gone, they are gone forever. Wherever people are careless about the land, there are endangered species. Grizzly bears like to wander great distances. Each bear needs up to 1,500 square miles of territory to call its homeland. Today, because forests have been cleared to make room for people, the grizzly’s habitat is shrinking and the grizzly is disappearing. It joins other endangered North American animals, such as the red wolf and the American crocodile. In South America, destruction of the rain forest threatens many animals. Unusual mammals, such as the howler monkey and the three-toed sloth, are endangered. Beautiful birds like the great green macaw and the golden parakeet are also becoming extinct. They’re losing their homes in the rain forest, and thousands die when they are caught and shipped off to be sold as exotic pets. The giant panda of Asia is a fascinating and unique animal. Yet there are only about 1,000 still living in the wild. The giant panda’s diet consists mainly of the bamboo plant, so when the bamboo forests die, so does the panda. China is now making an effort to protect these special creatures from becoming extinct. Asia’s big cats are also in trouble. The exotic snow leopard lives high in the mountains. Even there, it faces the loss of its natural habitat, and hunters who kill it for its fur. The tiger, the largest of all the big cats, is hunted merely for sport. Ocean-dwelling animals are in danger of extinction as well. The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. It weighs up to 390,000 pounds. Whale hunting and pollution are this species’ greatest enemies. Unfortunately, it is people who cause many of the problems that animals face. We alter and pollute their habitats. We hunt them for skins, tusks, furs, and horns. We destroy animals that get in the way of farming or building. And we remove them from their natural habitats and take them home as pets. What can you do to help endangered animals? Learn as much as you can about them. The more you know, the more you can help. Make an effort to support zoos and wildlife groups. Many zoos breed endangered animals, helping to ensure that they will continue to live on. Contribute to groups, such as the National Wildlife Federation and the Sierra Club, that work hard to protect animals. You can also be a smart shopper and never buy a pet that has been raised in the wilderness. The world is made up of many living things, and each thing is dependent on the others to survive. If we allow even one species on Earth to become extinct, it has an impact on other living things and changes our world. When we mention any endangered wild animals, let’s hope that we never again have to say, “Gone forever.”

1. Which of the following is NOT an opinion?
A) It is important for us to take care of endangered animals.
B) The black rhinoceros is the most frightening animal in Africa.
C) The fastest land animal, the cheetah, also lives in Africa.
D) If we don’t protect endangered animals now, we will regret it in the future.
Ans: B
2. Read this sentence from the article. Today, because forests have been cleared to make room for people, the grizzly’s habitat is shrinking and the grizzly is disappearing.

A) What does habitat mean?
B) an animal’s natural environment
C) a bear’s thick wool coat
D) a bear’s den
E) an animal’s vision
Ans: A

3. Which of the following does NOT support the main idea of the article?
A) Ocean-dwelling animals are in danger of extinction as well.
B) Beautiful birds like the great green macaw are also becoming extinct.
C) Wherever people are careless about the land, there are endangered species.
D) The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa.
Ans: D

4. Read this sentence from the article. They fascinate us with their beauty, their grace, and their speed.
A) What is an antonym for the word fascinate ?
B) thrill
C) bore
D) scare
Ans: B

5. What will happen to some animal species if current trends continue?
A) Their numbers will increase.
B) There will be no significant change.
C) They will become extinct.
D) They will move to other habitats
Ans: C

Directions for Questions 6-10 : Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage

The last half of my life has been lived in one of those painful epochs of human history during which the world is getting worse, and past victories which had seemed to be definitive have turned out to be only temporary. When I was young, Victorian optimism was taken for granted. It was thought that freedom and prosperity would speed gradually throughout the world by an orderly process, and it was hoped that curelty, tyranny, and injustice would continually diminish. Hardly anyone was haunted by the fear of great wars. Hardly anyone thought of thenineteenth century as a brief interlude between past and future barbarism.

6. The author feels and about the later part of his life because
A) The world had not become prosperous
B) he was nostalgic about his childhood.
C) the world was painfully disturbed during that period of time.
D) the author had not won any further victories.
Ans: C

7. The victories of the past
A) filled men with a sense of pessimism
B) proved to be temporary events
C) ended, cruelty, tyranny, and injustice
D) brought permanent peace and security
Ans: B

8. The world ‘definitive’ as used in the passage means
A) incomplete
B) defined
C) temporary
D) final
Ans: D

9. During the Victorian age people believed that
A) there would be unlimited freedom
B) strife would increase
C) peace would prevail and happiness would engulf the whole world.
D) wars would be fought on a bigger scale
Ans: C

10.A brief interlude between past and future barbarism’ can be interpreted as
A) a dramatic performance during wars
B) an interval between cruel wars
C) a short space of time between two great events
D) a short period of time between past and future acts of savagery.
Ans: D

Directions 11-18 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

11. The petition before the Court prayed for …………………the appointment orders issued by the management
A) removing
B) granting
C) posting
D) quashing
E) dismissing
Ans: D

12. I have a profound respect for his political………………
A) personality
B) ambition
C) temperament
D) sagacity
E) involvement
Ans: D

13. The truck was………….. the traffic and the policemen asked the driver to move off.
A) failing
B) obstructing
C) obviating
D) hiding
E) disturbing
Ans: B

14. The paternalistic attitude is so ingrained in the managements that they have to…………………try to change it
A) casually
B) slowly
C) subtly
D) inadvertently
E) conscientiously
Ans: C

15. For a few seconds, Madan was………….blinded by the powerful lights of the oncoming car
A) heavily
B) largely
C) greatly
D) powerfully
E) totally
Ans: E

16. sachin was to reach that afternoon but was …… up at Delhi for some personal work.
A) delayed
B) kept
C) held
D) stayed
E) detained
Ans: A

17. He ….. his shoes till they shone.
A) brushed
B) scrubbed
C) wiped
D) polished
E. shined.
Ans: C

18. Let us take him upon his word. I see no room for any ……. in the matter
A) deviation
B) duplicity
C) difference
D) cynicism
Ans: B

Direction Questions 19 – 26: In each question below is given a passage followed by several inference. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.

mark your answer as :
A. if the inference is ‘ definitely true’ i.e. , it directly follows from the facts given in the passage
B. if the inference is ‘ probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given
C. if you think the data are in adequate i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false
D. if you think the inference is ‘ probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
E. if you think inference is ‘ definitely false’ i,e , it contradicts the given facts.

Passage I

More than a decade of erosion in budgetary support from the Union Government, has seriously affected Indian Railway’s capacity to finance its plan expenditures. The situation has come to a pass where the railways must now think of innovative ways to get longer mileage from its investments. Significantly the resource crunch has had grievous impact on the railways. As a result, it will not be in a position to acquire necessary equipments and this will seriously affect the railway’s capacity to serve the needs of the economy in future.
19. Railways had so far belived in traditional ways in generating income.
Ans: A
20. government has shifted its priority from railways to other areas.
Ans: B
21. The union government has reduced drastically the budgetary support to railways during the last decade.
Ans: A
22. The fiscal position of railways in the earlier plan period was better than the current plan period
Ans: A
23. During the current plan period, the railways will not be able to expand its network
Ans: A
Passage II
The smaller pesticide formulation units in India operate under heavy constraints such as obsolete technology, small scale of operation and dependence on large units for raw materials . In view of the loss of expensive material by the smaller units it is important to either eliminate or reduce losses to the extent possible through innovative and sustainable waste minimization techniques. operating profit margins of the units are very low and small adverse conditions land these companies in trouble. Maximum losses suffered by these units are through poor house keeping , Sub- optional operating practices , and lack of proper opportunities for recycling waste.

24. Smaller units should be operationally self sufficient so as to minimize loss.
Ans: C
25.Waste management process in India need modernization
Ans: A
26. Lack of funds compels smaller units to ignore house keeping.
Ans: B
Direction 27-32 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is ‘no error’
27. Our is the only / country in the world / than can boast of / unity in diversity / no error

Ans : B
28. May I know/Who you want / to see please / No error

Ans : B
29. due to me being a newcomer / I was unable to get a house / suitable for my wife and me / No error
Ans : A
30.This is the boy / Whom I think had won / the gold medal in the dance competition / No error

Ans : B
31. The number of vehicles /plying on this road /is more than on the main road / No error

Ans : C
32. There has not been any rainfall / in this part of the country / since the last two years / No error

Ans: D
Directions 33-40: In each question, a part of sentence is printed in italics. Below each sentence, some phrases are given which can substitute the italicized part of the sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, the answer is ‘No correction required’
33. No sooner I saw the tiger than I ran away
A. No sooner I had seen
B. No sooner did I see
C. as soon as I saw
D. No Correction required
Ans: B
34. Let he and I work together
A. him and I
B. him and me
C. he and me
D. No Correction required
Ans : C

35. The child is father of the man
A. A child, man
B. Child , a man
C. Child, Man
D. No Correction required
Ans : D

36. I am used to hard work
A. hard working
B. work hard
C. work hardly
D. No Correction required
Ans : D

37. The doctor examined my pulse
A. observed
B. saw
C. felt
D. No Correction required
Ans : C
38. I wish I have all those luxuries
A. I will have
B. I am having
C. I had
D. No Correction required
Ans: C

39. She did not like the movie , nor I did
A. nor did I
B. nor I like it
C. nor I liked it
D. No Correction required
Ans: A

40. The enthusiastic voters were queuing up outside the polling station since morning.
A. queued up
B. had queued up
C. had been queuing up
D. No Correction required
Ans: B

There is a merry-go-round race going on.One person says,”1/3 of those in front of me and 3/4 of those behind me, give the total number of children in the race”. Then the number of children took part in the race? (repeated from previous papers)

Ans: 13

[ Assume there are x participants in the race.In a round race,no: of participants in front of a person wil be x-1 an that behind him wil b x-1. i.e, 1/3(x-1) + 3/4(x-1) = x ; solving x = 13 ]

2. In an Island the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to know whether a salesman beside him in a bar is a native or visitor. He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or visitor. He replied “she says she is a visitor”. Then he knew that the salesman is a native or visitor. salesman is in which category , native or visitor?

Ans: Native

[ Draw table and see ]

3.A man fixed an appointment to meet the manager, Manager asked him to come two days after the day before the day after tomorrow. Today is Friday. When will the manager expect him? (repeated from previous papers)

Ans: Monday

[Don’t confuse it with Tuesday.the correct answer is Monday]

5.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a politician and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman four years back.when he was half of his age. What is his age? (repeated from previous papers)

Ans: 84 years

[Assume that he lived x years. X/6 + x/12 + x/7 + 5 + 4 + x/2 = x. Solving x= 84, Same as Question in Shakundala Devi book]

6.Jack,Doug and Ann, 3 children had a running race while returning from school.Mom asked who won the race. Then Jack replied” I wont tell u.I wil give u a clue,When Ann takes 28 steps Doug takes 24 steps, meantime I take 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug’s 7 steps and Ann’s 8 steps. Who won the race? (repeated from previous papers)

Ans: Doug

[ Ann steps = 8,16,24,28 — finished by 3 & half full steps

Doug steps=7,14,21,24 — finished before 3 & half full steps

Jack steps= 6,12,18,21 — finished by 3 & half full steps

So Doug won the race ]

7. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station.The road is straight and both are travelling in the same direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 mph.One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and meets the car 5miles before the Station. What is the speed of the car?

Ans: 60 mph

[Very similar to Shakuntala Devi puzzles to puzzle you problem no: 38 ]

9.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she bought pins and 8 times, handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece’s cost. She totally spent Rs. 3.24.How many handkerchiefs did she buy? (repeated from previous papers)

10. Complete the series :

a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____(repeated from previous papers)

b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___( ” ” ” )

Ans: a) 63

b) 1

11. Lucia is a wonderful grandmother. Her age is between 50 and 70.Each of her sons have as many sons as they have brothers. Their combined number gives Lucia?s age. What is the age?

Ans: 64

12.There are two towers A and B. Their heights are 200ft and 150ft respectively and the foot of the towers are 250ft apart. Two birds on top of each tower fly down with the same speed and meet at the same instant on the ground to pick a grain. What is the distance between the foot of tower A and the grain?


13 Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days does it take for 20 cows to do the same?

Ans: 120

13. Four tourists A,B,C,D and four languages English, German, French and Italian. They are not able to converse among themselves in one language. Though A does not know English he can act as an interpreter between B and C. No one spoke both French and German. A knows German and was able to converse with D who doesn?t know a word in German. Only one language was spoken by more than two persons. Each spoke two languages. Find who spoke what.

Ans: A- German,Italian

B- French,Italian

c- German,English

D- Italian,English

14. There is a five digit number. It has two prime digits (1 is not a prime number). Third digit is the highest. Second digit is the lowest. First digit is one less than the third digit. The fifth digit is half of the fourth. The sum of 4th and 5th is less than the first. Find the number.

Ans ? 71842

15.6. Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. Each person has one card, laid down on the table below him, which has two different colours on either side. No card has the same color on both sides. The colours visible on the table are Red, Green, Red and Blue respectively. They see the color on the reverse side and give the following comment.

A: Yellow or Green

B: Neither Blue nor Green

C: Blue or Yellow

D: Blue or Yellow

Given that out of the 4 people 2 always lie find out the colours on the cards each person.

Ans: A- Yellow

B- Yellow

C- Green

D- Red

16. A 1 k.m. long wire is held by n poles. If one pole is removed, the length of the gap becomes 12/3m. What is the number of poles initially?


17. Find the digits X,Y,Z


Y Y Y Y +





Ans: X Y Z

9 1 8

18. A man starts walking at 3 pm . ha walks at a speed of 4 km/hr on level ground and at a speed of 3 km/hr on uphill , 6 km/hr downhill and then 4 km/hr on level ground to reach home at 9 pm. What is the distance covered on one way?

Ans: 12 km

19. A grandma has many sons; each son has as many sons as his brothers. What is her age if it?s the product of the no: of her sons and grandsons plus no: of her sons?(age b/w 70 and 100).

Ans: 81

20. An electric wire runs for 1 km b/w some no: of poles. If one pole is removed the distance b/w each pole increases by 1 2/6 (mixed fraction). How many poles were there initially?

21. There is a church tower 150 feet tall and another catholic tower at a distance of 350 feet from it which is 200 feet tall. There is one each bird sitting on top of both the towers. They fly at a constant speed and time to reach a grain in b/w the towers at the same time. At what distance from the church is the grain?

Ans: 90

22. A person wants to meet a lawyer and as that lawyer is busy he asks him to come three days after the before day of the day after tomorrow? on which day the lawyer asks the person to come?

23. A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born?

Ans: 470

24.A person says that their speed while going to a city was 10mph however while returning as there is no much traffic they came with a speed of 15mph. what is their average speed?

Ans: 12mph

25. There is a peculiar island where a man always tells truth and a women never says two 2 consecutive truth or false statements that is if she says truth statement then she says false statement next and vice versa. A boy and girl also goes in the same way. one day i asked a child ” what r u a boy or a girl” however the
child replied in their language that i dint understand but the parents knew my language and one parent replied that ” kibi is a boy” the other one said that “no kibi is a girl, kibi lied”.

a: is kibi a boy or a girl
b: who ansered first mother or father?

Ans: kibi is a girl and mother answered first.

26. The boy goes to school reaches railway station at his 1/3 of his journey& mill at 1/4 of his journey the time taken him to walk between railway station & mill is 5 mins. Also he reaches railway station at 7.35amwhen he started from house& when he reaches school?

Ans: 7:15to8.15

27. if a person is sitting in a exam having 30 questions (objective type) the examiner use the formula to calculate the score is S=30+4c-w here c is number
of correct answer and w is number of wrong answer , the examiner find the score is more than 80, tell how may questions are correct ? if the score is little less
but still more than 80 then u wont be able to answer.

Ans:- 16

28. if a person having 1000 rs and he want to distribute this to his five children in the manner that ecah son having 20 rs more than the younger one , what will
be the share of youngest child

ans- 160

29.raju having some coins want to distribute to his 5 son , 5 daughter and driver in a manner that , he gave fist coin to driver and 1/5 of remaining to first
son he again gave one to driver and 1/5 to 2nd son and so on…. at last he equally distributed all the coins to 5 daughters. how many coins raju initially have???


30.if ravi binded his book and the binder cut the pages of the book , ravi decided to mark the pages by himself own , what he found that number of three
appears 61 times find of number of pages answer

ans – 300

31. a painter went in a exhibition to purchases some pictures where T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z pictures were remaining , he want to buy only five in the condition on that
if T is there then X should not be there,
if U is there than y should be there
if if v is there then X should be there

which is the combination the painter can have
(a) T,U,V,W,Y

ans (d)

32.There are 100 men in town. Out of which 85% were married, 70% have a phone, 75% own a car, 80% own a house. What is the maximum number of people who are married, own a phone, own a car and own a house ? ( 3 marks)

Sol: 15%

33. There are 10 Red, 10 Blue, 10 Green, 10 Yellow, 10 White balls in a bag. If you are blindfolded and asked to pick up the balls from the bag, what is the minimum number of balls required to get a pair of atleast one colour ? ( 2 Marks)

Sol :6 balls.

34. Triplet who usually wear same kind and size of shoes, namely, Annie, Danny, Fanny. Once one of them broke a glass in kitchen and their shoe prints were there on floor of kitchen. When their mother asked who broke Annie said, ?I didn?t do it?; Fanny said ?Danny did it?; Danny said ?Fanny is lieing?; here two of them are lieing, one is speaking truth. Can you find out who broke it ? (3 Marks)

Sol : Annie

35. 4 players were playing a card game. Cards had different colours on both sides. Neither of cards had same colour on both sides. Colours were 2 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Green, 2 Yellow. Cards were lying in front of each player. Now, each player knew the colour on other side of his card. They are required to tell their colour.
Statement given by each of them was :

Annie : Blue or Green
Bobby : Neither Blue nor Green
Cindy : Blue or Yellow
Danny : Blue or Yellow
colours of cards that are visible to all were Red, Blue, Green, Blue in order of their names. Exactly two of them are telling truth and exactly two of them are lieing. Can you tell the colour on other face of card for each player ? (6 Marks)

Sol : Annie : Yellow (Lieing)
Bobby : Yellow (Telling truth)
Cindy : Blue (Telling truth)
Danny : Green (Lieing)

36. In a game i won 12 games, each game if i loose i will give u one chocolate, You have 8 chocolates how many games played.

Ans: 32

38. 75 persons Major in physics, 83 major in chemistry, 10 not at major in these subjects u want to find number of students majoring in both subjects

Ans 68.

39. if A wins in a race against B by 10 mts in a 100 Meter race. If B is behind of A by 10 mts. Then they start running race, who will won?

Ans A

40. A+B+C+D=D+E+F+G=G+H+I=17 given A=4.Find value of G and H?

Ans: G = 5 E=1

41. One guy has Rs. 100/- in hand. He has to buy 100 balls. One football costs Rs. 15/, One Cricket ball costs Re. 1/- and one table tennis ball costs Rs. 0.25 He spend the whole Rs. 100/- to buy the balls. How many of each balls he bought?


42. The distance between Station Atena and Station Barcena is 90 miles. A train starts from Atena towards Barcena. A bird starts at the same time from Barcena straight towards the moving train. On reaching the train, it instantaneously turns back and returns to Barcena. The bird makes these journeys from Barcena to
the train and back to Barcena continuously till the train reaches Barcena. The bird finally returns to Barcena and rests. Calculate the total distance in miles the bird travels in the following two cases:
(a) The bird flies at 90 miles per hour and the speed of the train is 60 miles per hour.
(b) the bird flies at 60 miles per hour and the speed of the train is 90 miles per hour

Ans: time of dist of bird=60*1=60miles

43. A tennis championship is played on a knock-out basis, i.e., a player is out of the tournament when he loses a match.
(a) How many players participate in the tournament if 15 matches are totally played?
(b) How many matches are played in the tournament if 50 players totally participate?

Ans: (a)16

44.When I add 4 times my age 4 years from now to 5 times my age 5 years from now, I get 10 times my current age. How old will I be 3 years from now?

Ans:Age=41 years.

45.A rich merchant had collected many gold coins. He did not want anybody to know about them. One day, his wife asked, “How many gold coins do we have?” After pausing a moment, he replied, “Well! If I divide the coins into two unequal numbers, then 37 times the difference between the two numbers equals the difference between the squares of the two numbers.” The wife looked puzzled. Can you help the merchant’s wife by finding out how many gold R


46. A set of football matches is to be organized in a “round-robin” fashion, i.e., every participating team plays a match against every other team once and only once. If 21 matches are totally played, how many teams participated?


47. Glenn and Jason each have a collection of cricket balls. Glenn said that if Jason would give him 2 of his balls they would have an equal number; but, if Glenn would give Jason 2 of his balls, Jason would have 2 times as many balls as Glenn. How many balls does Jason have?

Ans: 14

48. Suppose 8 monkeys take 8 minutes to eat 8 bananas.
a) How many minutes would it take 3 monkeys to eat 3 bananas?
(b) How many monkeys would it take to eat 48 bananas in 48 minutes

Ans: a)48

49. It was vacation time, and so I decided to visit my cousin’s home. What a grand time we had!
In the mornings, we both would go for a jog. The evenings were spent on the tennis court. Tiring as these activities were, we could manage only one per day, i.e., either we went for a jog or played tennis each day. There were days when we felt lazy and stayed home all day long. Now, there were 12 mornings when we did nothing, 18 evenings when we stayed at home, and a total of 14 days when we jogged or played tennis. For how many days did I stay at my cousin’s place?

Ans: 22 days

50 A 31″ x 31″ square metal plate needs to be fixed by a carpenter on to a wooden board. The carpenter uses nails all along the edges of the square such that there are 32 nails on each side of the square. Each nail is at the same distance from the neighboring nails. How many nails does the carpenter use?

1 There are 6561 balls out of them 1 is heavy. Find the min. no. of times the balls have to be weighed for finding out the heavy ball.
Ans. 8
2 If I walk with 30 miles/hr i reach 1 hour before and if i walk with 20 miles/hr i reach 1 hour late. Find the distance between 2 points and the exact time of reaching destination is 11 am then find the speed with which it walks.
Ans. 120miles and 24 miles/hr
3. When you reverse the digits of age of father u will get the age of son. One year ago the age of father was twice that of son’s age. What are the current ages of father and son?
Ans: 73 & 37
4. In a class there are less than 500 students. When it is divided by 3 it gives a whole number. Similarly when it is divided by 4, 5 or 7 gives a whole number. Find the no. of students in the class
Ans: 420

5. A coffee seller has two types of coffee Brand A costing 5 bits per pound and Brand B costing 3 bits per pound. He mixes two brands to get a 40 pound mixture. He sold this at 6 bits per pound. The seller gets a profit of 33 1/2 percent. How much he has used Brand A in the mixture?
Ans: 30 pounds
6) Which figure completes the series? Ans: A
7) Which figure completes the series?Ans: C
8) Which figure completes the series? Ans: C
9) Which figure completes the series?Ans: D
10) Which figure completes the series?Ans: B
Directions 11-15: In each question below are given three Statements followed by three Conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given Statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusions logically follows from the given Statements disregarding commonly known facts.
11. Statements:
Some cycles are busses. All cars are buses. Some buses are trains.
I. All cares are cycles.
II. Some trains are buses.
III. Some trains are cars.
(1) None follows (2) Only I and II follow (3) Only land III follow (4) Only II and III follow
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

12. Statements: All pencils are sticks. Some sticks are notes. All diaries are notes. Conclusions:
I. Some notes are diaries.
II. Some sticks are pencils.
III. Some diaries are sticks.
(1) All follow
(2) Only I follow
(3) Only I and II follow
(4) Only II follows
(5) None of these
Ans: 5

13. Statements: Some buds are leaves. No leaf is fruit. Some fruits are buds.
I. Some fruits are leaves.
II. All buds are fruits.
III. Some leaves are buds.
(1) Only I or II follows
(2) Only III follows
(3) Only II follows
(4) None follows
(5) None of these
Ans: 2

14. Statements: Some birds are animals. All animals are rivers. Some rivers are lions. Conclusions:
I. Some lions are animals
II. Some rivers are birds
III. No animal is lion
(1) Only II follows
(2) Only either I or III follows
(3) I and II follows
(4) Only either II or III follow
(5) None of these
Ans: 3

15. Statements: All boxes are pans Some boxes are jugs .Some jugs are glasses.Conclusions:
I. Some glasses are boxes
II. No glass is box
III. Some jugs are pans
IV. No jug is pan
Only I and II follows (2) Either I or II and III follows (3) Only III follows (4) Either I or II , and either III or IV follow (5) None of these
Ans: B
Directions 16-20 Use the following answer choices for the questions below.
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
C. Both statements 1 and 2 together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement is sufficient alone.
D. Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
E. Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient to answer the question asked and additional data is needed to answer the statements.
16) If the average size of 3 accounts is $1 million, is the smallest account less than $500,000?
1. The largest account is $1.3 million.
2. One of the accounts is $0.7 million.
Ans: C

17) Is the product of x and y greater than 60?
1. The sum of x and y is greater than 60.
2. Each of the variables is greater than 2.
Ans: C

18) What is the value of y?
1. y – 3 = 2
2. y2 = 25 Ans: A

19) What was the percent increase of Company A’s stock between June 1 and June 30, 2000?
1. The stock gained $5 in value during June 2000.
2. The stock rose 12% during the first half of the month.
Ans: E

20) Which company reported the larger dollar increase in earnings?
1. Company A reported that its earnings increased by 5%.
2. Company B reported that its earnings increased by 7%.
Ans: E

21. Ramesh starting from a fixed point goes 15 km towards North and then after turning to his right he goes 15 km. then he goes 10, 15 and 15 metres after turning to his left each time. How far is he from his starting point?
(A) 5 metres
(B) 10 metres
(C) 20 metres
(D) 15 metres
(E) Can not be determined
Ans: (B)

22. Sonalika goes 12 km towards North from a fixed point and then she goes 8 km towards South from there. In the end she goes 3 km towards east. How far and in what direction is she from her starting point?
(A) 7 km East
(B) 5 km West(C) 7 km West
(D) 5 km North-East
(E) None of these
Ans: (D)

23. Sunita goes 30 km towards North from a fixed point, then after turning to her right she goes 15 km. After this she goes 30 km after turning to her right. How far and in what direction is she from her starting point?
(A) 45 km, East
(B) 15 km, East
(C) 45 km, West
(D) 45 Km, North
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)

24. Kanchan goes 5 m towards east from a fixed point N and then 35 km after turning to her left. Again she goes 10 metres after turning to her right. After this she goes 35 m after turning to her right. How far is she from N?
(A) 40 m
(B) At N(C) 10 m
(D) 15 m
(E) None of these
Ans: (D)

25. Shri Prakash walked 40 metres facing towards North. From there he walked 50 metres after turning to his left. After this he walked 40 metres after turning to his left. How far and in what direction is he now from his starting point?
(A) 40 m, North
(B) 50 m, West
(C) 10 m, East
(D) 10 m, West
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)

Directions (Question 26 to 30): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given it.There are six persons A B C D E and F in a school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. D’s optional subject was History while there others have it as compulsory subject. E and F have Physics as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both C and E. History and English are A’s subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects, they are just reverse of those of D’s. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject.
26. What is C’s compulsory subject?
A) History B) Physics C) Chemistry D) English E) Mathematics Ans: A

27. Who is a female member in the group? A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E Ans: D
28. Which of the following has some compulsory and optional subjects as those of F’s ?
A) D B) B C) A D) C E) None of these Ans: E

29. Disregarding which is the compulsory and which is the optional subject, who has the same two subject combination as F? A) A B) B C) E D) D E) None of these Ans: C
30. Which of the following groups has History as the compulsory subject?
A) A,C,D B) B,C,D C) C,D D) A,B,C E) A,DAns: D

Directions for Questions 1-5: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.
It all started at the beginning of fifth grade. At first, Carmen wasn’t really sure what was happening. In class, she had to squint to see the blackboard clearly. She had to do the same thing when she read street signs, or when she watched a movie. As the fuzziness got worse, she became more and more worried. It was important for her to see the notes and homework assignments the teacher put on the board.
It wasn’t long before Carmen found herself squinting all the time, but she didn’t want anyone to know that she was having a problem seeing. In class, she asked for a desk that was closer to the blackboard. One day, her teacher said, “Carmen, are you all right? I’ve noticed you squinting a lot. Are you having trouble seeing the board?”
Carmen shook her head. “I’m fine, Mrs. Cruz,” she said, but she knew she couldn’t pretend much longer.At home, she had to sit closer and closer to the television in order to see the picture. Her mother noticed her squinting as she watched her favorite shows, and she began to get suspicious.
“Tomorrow I’m calling the eye doctor to set up an appointment for you,” she said firmly. Carmen protested, but her mother’s mind was made up.
Three days later, Carmen had new glasses and instructions from her doctor to wear them all the time. Carmen frowned in the car the whole way home. “All of the kids at school will think I’m a nerd,” she said. Her mother smiled and shook her head. “You look just as beautiful with those glasses on as you do without them,” she said. But Carmen didn’t believe her. The next day, Carmen kept the glasses in her pocket as she walked into the schoolyard. She avoided her friends and stood alone, feeling miserable. Suddenly, she heard her friend Theresa shout. Carmen ran over to the other girls. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “My silver ring is gone!” Theresa cried. “My sister sent it to me from California. It’s very special and I can’t lose it!”
Carmen could tell that Theresa was very upset. They all looked for the ring in the grassy area of the playground.

Carmen realized that she could search better if she could see better. She took the glasses out of her pocket and put them on. The objects and people around her came into sharp focus. She caught her breath. Everything looked so different! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a glimmer of silver caught her eye. It was the ring. “Here it is,” she shouted. “I’ve found it!” She handed it to Theresa, and Theresa slipped the ring back on her finger.

“Thanks Carmen,” she said. “I never thought we’d find it.” She paused. “Hey, I didn’t know you wore glasses. They look great!” Carmen had forgotten that she was wearing the new glasses. “Thanks,” she replied shyly. As they walked back toward the school building, two more girls from her class complimented her glasses. Carmen smiled. “Maybe wearing glasses won’t be so bad after all,” she thought.

1. BEFORE Carmen got glasses she
A. Thought having glasses wouldn’t be so bad.
B. Wasn’t able to see the blackboard clearly.
C. Found Theresa’s missing ring.
D. sat far away from the television Ans: B
2. Based on the end of the story, what do you think Carmen will do next?
A. She won’t tell her friends that she needs to wear glasses.
B. She will keep her glasses in her pocket where no one can see them.
C. She will wear her glasses all the time.
D. She will wear her glasses only when she is with her family. Ans: C
3. Read this sentence from the story ‘Her mother noticed her squinting as she watched her favorite shows, and she began to get suspicious’.What is an antonym for the word suspicious?
A. doubtful
B. guilty
C. innocent
D. trusting Ans: D

4. Which statement BEST describes Carmen?
A. She is willing to overcome her fears in order to help her friends.
B. She doesn’t care how well she does in school.
C. She cares more about herself than her friends.
D. She doesn’t worry about what other people think of her.Ans: A
5. Read this sentence from the story. ‘In class, she had to squint to see the blackboard clearly’.
What does squint mean?
A. to look with eyes partly closed
B. to move closer
C. to try hard
D. to concentrate Ans: D

Directions for Questions 6-10: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.
Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a source of warmth and as a means of cooking food than as a source of light. Before he discovered less laborious ways of making fire, he had to preserve it, and whenever he went on a journey he carried a firebrand with him. His discovery that the firebrand, from which the torch may very well have developed, could be used for illumination was probably incidental to the primary purpose of preserving a flame.
Lamps, too, probably developed by accident. Early man may have had his first conception of a lamp while watching a twig or fibre burning in the molten fat dropped from a roasting carcass. All he had to do was to fashion a vessel to contain fat and float a lighted reed in it. Such lamps, which are made of hollowed stones or sea shells, have persisted in identical from up to quite recent times.

6. Primitive man’s most important use for five was
A) To provide warmth B) to cook food C) to provide light D) Both A and B. Ans: A

7. The firebrand was used to
A) Prevent accidents B) provide light C) scare animals D) save labour Ans: B

8. By ‘primary’ the author means A) Primitive B) fundamental C) elemental D) essential
Ans: D

9. Lamps probably developed through mereA) Hazard B) fate C) chance D) planningAns: C
10. Early lamps were made by
A) Using a reed as a wick in the fat B) letting a reed soak the fat
C) putting the fat in a shell and lighting it D) floating a reed in the sea-shell Ans: A