Sasken latest Placement papers

Sasken latest Placement papers 


These Questions only memory based



These are the programmaing Questions


1.How Jk F/F can be converted into T F/F.

2.Difference between display and write in Verilog.?

3.ASIC flow steps? (RTL design ->Functional Verification->Synthesis ->STA->Place and route)

4.Difference between Latch and F/F?Which is faster?

5.Difference/Comparison between DRAM and SRAM?

6.what happens to Vth if temp Increases>?

7.In a negative feedback control System ,If feed factor Increases what happens to Gain and Bandwidth?

8.NMOS  and PMOS will pass which value without degradation?[NMOS -0 and PMOS -1]


(i).Cant be further reducible and glitch

(ii)Can reducible further and cant glitch

10.which is faster :read cache or write cache?

11.Noise Margin Definition?

12.What happens to power If Vth increases In CMOS?

13.enum = {a=1,b=5,c,d} What is the c and d?

14(.A’+B’) is equivalent to?

15.How can we Increase the slope of Trasnfer chacteristics of a CMOS?

(i)Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS and NMOS In the same proportion

(ii) Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS and NMOS In different proportion

(iii) Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS only

(iv) Increasing W/L ratio of NMOS only


 Sasken Descriptive Questions

 Descriptive Questions

1.What happens If we interchange PMOS and NMOS in a CMOS Inverter?

2.Why PMOS width should be greater than NMOS? a =0;

If(a++) print (“Example1”);

else if (++a) print (“example2);

(i)What is the output if the program?

(ii)What is the value of i?

4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pipeline operation?

5.Draw the output waveform?

(i) initial begin

Y = #5 0;

Y = #3 1;

Y = # 8 0;

(ii)       Y <= #5 0;

Y <= #3 1;

Y <= # 8 0;

6.Write a Verilog code for async RESET and sync SET  F/F?

7.Design NAND gate using 2:1 MUX?

8.Design 4 input NAND gate using 2 Input NAND gate?

9.Design 3 input AND gate using 4:1 MUX?

10.CMOS schematic for (AB+C(A+B))’

11.Different Types of power dissipation in CMOS?

12.Moore overlapping sequence for 1101.

13.Difference between MELAY and MOORE?

14.Design a latch using MUX?

15.Characterstic Equations for SR, JK,T,D F/F.

16.                   void main()



printf(“Typical Problem”);

return 0;


Output : “Typical Problem”.// NO warnings & NO Error.


17 void main()


int a=-60,b=-34;

unsigned int c=-24;


return 0;


Ans : WARNING: initialized to negative value ‘-24’ to ‘unsigned int’.

18 void main()


printf(“%u”,-1<<4); \

return 0;


Ans : ffff0


void main()


printf(“madhu “);


return 0;



19.   void main()


int count=10,*temp,sum=0;





printf(“%d %d %d\n”,count,*temp,sum);

return 0;


ANS : 20 20 20

20 void main()


char ch;


printf(“%c %d”,ch,ch);

return 0;



void main()


int a[3][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,12,14};

printf(“%d %u %u\n”,sizeof(a),a+1,&a+1);

return 0;


void main()


int a[3][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,12,14};

printf(“%d %u %u\n”,sizeof(a),a+1,&a+1);

return 0;


If the address location of ‘a’ is 65000 the output=?

Ans : 65000 65016 65048

9.  What is the size of a String Variable ?

10. Good way of representing the variables in RECURSION is ?

a)Static        b)Global         c)Local         d)Register

11.   True/False based on Storage Classes in ‘C’ .

12.    How to call the function for the below : void f1(int **x)

Options:               a) int *x,f1(&x);

b) int x,f1(&x);

c) int *x,f1(&&x);

d) int *x,f1(x);

13.      They asked to choose a program which leads to Stack Overflow, among given 2 Factorial programs(one contains recursive function, & other general loop logic)

14. variables of Function calls allocated in :

a) Stack & Heap,           b) Stack & Data,      c) Data & Register            d) None

15.   #include

Void main()


int a=10,j; j=fun(a);



case 30 : printf(“Printed 30 \n”);


case 50 : printf(” Printed 50\n”);


default : printf(“Not 30 or 50 “);



return 0;


int fun(int a)




16.   malloc() internally calls:            a) salloc()       b) stbrk()        c) alloc()          d) none.

17.        #include

void main()


char *p=”madhu”;


return 0;


18.     Question based on Structures (some what complicated)

Some more Questions on Pointers in ‘c’. Three more question based on Unix.


some Aptitude Questions asked in Sasken recruitment 


1. Two people were walking in opposite directions. Both of them walked 6 miles forward then took right and walked 8 miles. How far is each from starting positions?

a) 14 miles and 14 miles
b) 10 miles 10 miles
c) 6 miles 6 miles

2. A person has certain number of cows and birds. They have 172 eyes and 344 legs. How many cows and birds does he have?

3.A person has 14 red socks and 14 white socks in a drawer. What is the minimum number of socks that he should take to get a correct pair?

4.When a number is multiplied by 13,it will become greater to 105 by an amount with which it is lesser to105 by now. What is the number

5.When asked what the time is, a person answered that the amount of time left is 1/5 of the time already completed. What is the time?

6.When I become as old as my father is now, I will be 5 times the age of my son. And my son will be 8 yrs older than what I am now.father+my old is my son now?

7.Two peoples on cycles are traveling at 10 miles / hour. When they reach a distance of 50 miles, a housefly lands on the first cyclist and then flies to the other and so on…at a speed of 16 miles/hour. What is the distance covered by fly before cyclist meet?

8.My successor’s father is my father’s son. and i don’t have any brothers or sons. Who is my


Sasken computer Science Questions


1. which of these checks for structural errors of a language
a)lexical analyser
c)intermediate code
d)code optimization

2. threads in the same process share the same
a)data section
d) thread id

3.the depth of a binary tree…
a)nlogn(base 2)
b) n*n

4.a program computing log(n) accepts 1000 inputs its execution time is 110 ms…when it doubles n to 2000 inputs. It becomes 120…..and what will be for 4000

5.algorithm to find the balancing of parenthesis was given and output had to be obtains…using stacks…easy year….

6.which of the following is non preemptive
round robin
shortest job first

7.problem to find the average waiting time of sjf..given the burst times of each process

8.which of the following may be implemented using a stack
parenthesis matching
local variables stored in runtime
all the above

9.which of the full data structures can be randomly accessed giving loc
1.linked Kist implemented using array
2.singly linked list
3.double linked list
4.both single and double linked list

1. The hours remaining in a day is one-fifth of the hours passed in the day. What is the time?

2. My successor is my uncles only brothers son who is his only kid. (somewhat like this)

3. A and B starts from the same point and moves in opposite direction for 8 miles and 6 miles respectively. After that A turns right and moves for another 6 miles. B also turns right and moves 8 miles. What are their respective distance from the starting point? 10,10

4. In a pet shop there are 120 eyes and 172 legs. How many birds and puppies are included in these?

5. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly? 50 80 100

6. Guru’s draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color? 14 15 13 16

1. Find output ………….
Int *ptr=&const;
………… ((((( ans:error)))))

2. Find output ………..
…………… (((((ans:error)))))

3. #define SWAP(x,y) t=x;x=y;y=t;
{ int x=5,y=6;
if (x>y)
Printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”,x,y);
((( note that the function SWAPis not within
4. sum(int x)
{int t;
if(x<=1) return (1);
return (t);

if 6 is passed to the function, what is the value returned to the
calling function.
(((((((ANS===== 9)))))))))
[ans:don’t remember the actual _expression.if the _expression is the
same the ans was nine]

5. what is int (*ptr)[]()?

6. Main()
{int a[]={0,2,4,6,8};
int *ptr;
printf(“%d”, *((char *) ptr+4));
find output
8 2 4 6 (((((( ANS==== 4)))))))

7. which takes the same memory space regardless of the type of
operating system?
Char* char int float
8. main()
{ int I=3;
{int I=100;
Printf(“%d”, I);
find output.
100 99 98 99 98 97 99 99 99 error ((((( ANS== 99
99 99)))

9. main()
{char ch;
printf(“%c”, ch);
((((((([ans : infinite loop))))))
10. some program using variable b which was not initialized so
((((ans error))))

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