Written Test:  Dear friends please refer the earlier papers well and I bet itz gonna help you. The synonyms and antonyms, wrongly spelt words are really easy and the quantitative is no tuf. Just be familiar with age problems, averages, profits and losses,  men and work, partnerships, quadratic equations, speed(upstream/downstream and train), number series and simple and compound interests. And yes, be thorough with geometry questions. There were questions to find the area of a triangle giving their vertices and problems on collinear points.

The C programming part was also really easy, just to find the output that dealt no pointer section.

This is the easy part of the test, the rest is all upon luck, and you can expect really tuf questions on networking and operating systems. To find the bit address, bit rate, bit length. I simply took my chance since there were no negative marking. You could find some simple questions on general computer awareness.

I don’t remember the exact questions given for the test I’m sorry I just could give the overview of the test. But I’d recall some questions that were repeatedly asked from the earlier papers.
Find the odd man out
1.file edit view insert explore
2. In the series 0, 3, 8, 15,__ What is the next number?
Ans : 24
3.  A E I O
4. programs documents settings properties
5.processor, motherboard ,display card, mouse

The bottomline is that there are 100 questions and 1 hour with a luxury of no negative marking. One could easily do the easy questions in half an hour that is the 60% of the questions and then move to the tougher ones. Simply make sure that you had attempted all the questions, you might not know when luck has befriend you.

To conclude, attempt all questions beware they have cutoffs for each section that they wont reveal.

GD: They are mainly looking for people with confidence and who can come up with atleast 1 or 2 valid points. If you happen to go against the majority stand there are more chances for you to get noticed.

Our team was given the topic on ‘The need of Machines for men’. I opened the discussion supporting and almost of our group supported me. Only two stood
against the notion though they were short of points they were selected. The earlier batch discussed about ‘pollution’.
And finally 26 were shortlisted after the GD, conducted in 4 groups of which 5-6 people were selected from each.

Interview: I thought almost everything is done after getting through the written test and the GD. All of them who got shortlisted were so confident that we assumed that we all would leave the interview room with the offer letter. But the worst was yet to come. Only 1 of the first 10 got the offer. And when I enquired who had their interview, I was left with no much hope. They asked questions from our engineering stream, our main project and they treated the computer science students the worst. For electrical students they asked about maximum power transfer theorem, circle diagrams, varley loop test and so on. For computer and IT students they asked questions from networking and operating systems. The most repeated questions were on RISC, paging, registry and sorting.  Before me 4 too got selected and when my turn came I was entered in with no clue about the questions. Only 1 person handled the personal interview while the other one just helped the whole process going smooth.

The interviewer first asked me that why am I interested to join Hexaware. I said they were the best in the domain (Airline) they handle, they are ranked second best IT provider in Germany and blah blah…(read their homepage before you get into the interview panel)..he had some idea that I checked their site so didn’t listen after a min and then asked that why I aint placed yet… meanwhile he took a paper and wrote 1 question in either side of that paper and asked me to move to another cabin and be back after 10 minutes with 5 min for each question. Since my stream is electrical I had to solve an RLC circuit and find the current flowing in the circuit and the other question was to sort an array of n integers. I did the coding part using C++ but I couldn’t find the value of the current, though I deduced an expression for the current. When I showed him the paper he came charging at me asking why I didn’t complete the problem. I said I needed 1 more paper to find the value of current. Though I kept cool till the interview session, I got really tensed during the interview and he simply added that.

They were scanning my resume again and again and atlast he asked if he gives me an offer to join whether I’d be able 2 join within a week to any place where Hexaware got a centre (I’ve quoted in their application form that I need atleast 2 weeks to join ). Only then I knew that I got selected and I shook hands with him and the other guy and we all laughed breaking that tensed atmosphere. He told that either I’d have to join Mumbai or Chennai.

The other coding problems given for the candidates on the day were

1.to print

2.To print a series of numbers like 1,-2,3,-4….
3.To print Fibonacci numbers
Hope you people got some idea about the Hexaware recruitment process. Just be confident and do the basics right; the job is yours….!
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