Infotech Placement paper

Infotech Placement paper – Infotech Question and answers – Infotech Candidate experience
Infotech interview Consisted of three rounds,
Initialy there was a preplacement talk
next there was the frst round -online test
-it consisted of 60 questions out of which 30 are aptitude,logical,verbal and 30 are technical(corresponding to group)
-aptitude was bit difficult,bt verbal is easy,technical questions are mainly based on basics learnt in 2 yr,mine was ECE so mainly based on Electrical circuits,PDC,EDC,EMI,ICA-for the students who are prepareing for gate can easy get through the technical questions
-there is sectional cutoff,so concentrate on both sections equally
2nd round
-out of 50(i think) 6 mem are shortlisted for technical interview
-in this round mainly they will ask questions on the sub of ur interest,if u dnt knw,say frankly that u dnt knw ,questions are not at all tough,but u shud make them believe that u r strong in basics
-they asked one logical question,here answering the question correctly is not imp,what they will see is how r u gonna takle that question,,whether u gonna try r give up easily,i have presented 2 solutions with different conditions,unfortunately none of them was correct.
-Be sure to ask any question at the end about company,this will show them how much u r keen towards this company
-One thing be confident and put a little smile on ur face
-immediately 5 min after ur interview they will be telling whether ur selected for next round r not.
-my goodness i was selected for nxt round,only 2 out of 6 were selected for hr
3rd round
-both tr and hr going on in parallel
-in hr they will ask u mainly on what u have written in ur resume,ur interests ,y ? illustrate
-about mini project,and this is imprt question-wht in four years of ur btech u have done to justify ur field of study u have choosen,(its mainly practical work other than course work and labs,i mean any device u have built,any experiment u have done on ur own etc.
-for evry thing written in resume u have to make them believe why u have written this
-last question,they will be asking is if u were choosen for this company how will u contribute to company?this is the most imp question
– and last but not least be prepared about the company,,u should be ready to tell them about the company wht they will ask,,dnt make mistakes here,dnt sololy depend on preplacement talk,browse their website and gather information from different source
-thats it,,,,u shud have confidence in your answer,
thats it,,nxt day we got results,,,and i got selected,,hurrey!!!!

we 2 got selected from ece department…