Infotech Placement-Paper

Hello friends….Ihave attended the infotech enterprises(in association with synchroserve) pool campus selection  at mlrit (hyderabad) on jan 12th 2011..however I couldnt made it….the selection procedure comprises of following:

3.Tech interview

45 questions….45 minutes….
1st section quants… topics covered are allegations,ratios,time and work,time and distance,races,probability…allegation probs be well prepared….practice from few questions do repeat from that site….near about 20 questions are asked in this section….
2nd section data interpretation….10Q….bar graphs,pie diagram etc etc….
3rd section verbal ability..GRE level words…their antonyms,synonyms….fill up the blanks…..
last section was reading comprehension….

for us 45 and above percentile was d cut off…..may b it keeps changing with d venue…i got 56….
Near about 8 and above are involved in discussion….
how gd is evaluated at infotech….initiative,conclusion,leadership,listening ability each has got diff weightage…and ur given marks for that….how long it lasts for….15 to 25 minutes…..

3.Tech interview

eee/ece/it/cse/mech/aero etc wil b questioned by the same group interviewer…i mean diff panels are available for diff groups…..they are testing your technical abilities to the core…

Q.what should a non-it candidate should prepare?
ans:his/her core subjects and there is always a chance for asking c,c++,java if they are included in ur academic schedule. is a tech interview evaluated….?
ans.the interviewer give marks for ur technical skills on a 20 point scale..the options available here are 4 8 12 16 20..he can select one out of it….personal skills/interaction on a 10 point scale….2 4 6 8 20
In our case a candidate must get 20 to get promoted to the next round i.e hr…i got 18….12 and 6…..
How long it lasts for….20 minutes to 1 hour….for me it was 50 minutes….
One of my friend attended the hr… generally lasts for 10-20 minutes…questions asked here are about d b prepared with it….and at every stage of ur interview know the name of d person whoz interviewing you….here ends your journey….