Sierra Atlantic Placement-Paper

Hi All,

I am Rishabh Dubey, a 2010 passout from Jaypee University. I have attended the freshers off-campus placement drive for Sierra Atlantic on 24 th Nov 2010 at GNIT, Greater Noida. I am writing this experience on 29th November. So I don’t remember questions of written test but I will try to tell all the other tips and tricks for you all to crack this company. Before this I have attended 10-15 walk-in but with no success. At last I was successful in this off-campus drive.
There were approximatly. 500 students participated in the drive. The criteria was BE or B-Tech or MCA (2010) freshers with 60% throught. The position was of Associate Consultant – Trainee and the package was of 2.2 L CTC(for first 6 months). You have to sign a bond of 2.0L for 2.5 years. There were 3 rounds in selection procedure Written, GD and HR cum Tech interview 
Written Round:

There were 3 rounds of written one by one without any break. It consits of Technical Test, Aptitute Test and Verbal ability Test. There were sectional cuttoffs but no negative marking, Each section have 50 questions and 50 mins to answer them. All the sections were tough and if you are not good in any of these sections please consider a case of sitting next to a guy who is well in all three or any other setting. I hope you understand what I want to say. For the Technical paper revise all the basic concepts of each area. There were 20 questions on SQL and Database. 15 questions on programming and 15 questions on other areas as DS, Operating Systems etc. Practise well for this test as questions were not easy and required to have a good knowledge in it. Most of the questions were twisted.

For aptitude paper if you are not an MBA aspirant you are going to suffer. High level of aptitude was asked and if you have not prepared it you know what I will say next.

For English paper also the same things. Very high level of Antonym and Synonym were asked. And all the other things are like any of the MBA exams.
With God grace I have cleared the written test with other 150 students. Then we have to write an essay about the movie which we have recently seen. Then you have to fill the 5 page form in which you have to write your personal information, strength, weakness, and all the HR Interview’s stuffs, you know what I want to say.
Then there were GD’s. There were 8 members in each group. They have selected approximately 3 students from each group. Here the trick is to either talk very fluently and very good points or start very confidently and very fluently and give chance to others to speak or go in GD with a vey good formal dress with tie and all and speak in between “Ya-Ya” and tell one or two sentences loudly with confidence.

In GD they have selected only 34 students and I was lucky to be one of them.
Then there were HR cum Tech interviews which was a mere formality. They want to check your mental level of thinking. Even if you dont know the answer, answer it in so much confidence and in such a way that if they are not pleased, they also dont get angry. Revise pseudo code and SQL most and the basics of programming.
They have told to tell results in 1 week on our emails. And after waiting 5 days I got mail of selection from the prestigious Sierra Atlantic. I don’t know about the total selections as all the students were been individually informed about the selection in their mails.
So I will tell you all to never lose hope as when your day comes every round on that day is merely a cake walk to you. Frankly speaking I have gone for this company without thinking anything and at last got selected. Hope to meet you all in Sierra Atlantic campus.
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