UTC Aerospace Systems Software

UTC Aerospace Systems Software engineer Interview experience

My interview was for a contract position in the verification area. It was real straight forward. I was asked basic questions about my background and then was asked about DO-178B verification type questions.

UTC Aerospace Systems interview answer tips

1. Identify key goals, tasks, job specs and attributes for Goodrich divisions then ask question: How to do, how to become …

2. Listen questions carefully, then ask by your self : what are things related to Goodrich divisions before answering.

3. Always ask by yourself: What are proofs that are required for this position?

An example is “What is the difference between a Normal test case and Robust test case?”

What do you know about Goodrich?

If your boss told you that you had to use a specific software, but you knew better technologies that can do the same thing but faster, what would you do?

Software Engineer at Goodrich Corporation| Technical and HR Interview Questions|

II. Sample UTC Aerospace Systems interview questions
1. Tell me about yourself?

2. Why do you want to work for Goodrich?
3. Do you know anyone who works for Goodrich?

4. Why should UTC hire you?

5. Explain how you would be an asset to Goodrich?

6. What do you know about Goodrich?

7. What can you do for this company?

8. How would your past experience translate into success in this job?

9. What can you do for UTC that other candidates can’t?

10. Please tell me some products/services of Goodrich in the market? What are likes/dislikes of them?

11. If you worked for UTC, what are you doing?

12. Please tell me some products/services that are competitors of Goodrich’s in the market? And what are differences?

13. What do you like about your present job for this field?

14. What do you dislike about your present job for this field?

15. What are the most difficult decisions to make?

16. How would you describe your work style?

17. Are you overqualified for this job?

18. What have you learned from your mistakes?

19. Why do you want to leave your current employer?

20. Why have you applied for this particular job for this field?

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