Hello friends,I’m a final year cse student..i got placed in YAHOO through campus placement..i became a member of this group in my third year and it gave me an idea of how to prepare for aptitute tests and interviews..and it helped me clear my very first interview…
Aptitude test pattern:
the online exam for YAHOO consists of three sections:
verbal (32 ques)                — 20 mins
quantitative (38 ques)        — 40 mins
critical reasoning (12 ques) — 30 mins

Verbal: for the verbal part barons gre wordlist is more than enough…

Quantitative: the questions keep repeating from the previous go through the recent papers…i’m enclosing some material that i have used for preperation…almost all the questions in quantitative are similar model but numbers may vary…

Critical resoning: most of the questions are directly taken from barons gre 13th edition…

psycometry: once you clear the aptitute test, you will automatically be taken to the psycometry section with 150 ques to be answered in 30 mins…all the ques are similar to the ones available in the group..key is : answer all ques and dont mark the can’t say
option…so be careful..just be true to urself and answer it…there is no upper cutoff for the aptitute test but there is an upper cutoff in the psycometry section..this i got it confirmed from the yahoo executive…

Technical Interview:
just as i entered i was asked if i wearing a single knot or a double knot tie..
then i was asked ques on my project..and they will concentrate on ur area of interest
since i answerd all the questions they asked me some HR questions…

HR interview:
after clearing the technical interview you proceed to the HR HR interview started with technical questions on my project..this happened to all of my friends…so be prepared to answer HR ques in tech interview and tech ques in HR
Once again i thank all the members of the group and to chetana mam for her continuing efforts in keeping the group going…..
i’m enclosing some matrial that i got from my friends from diff colleges that helped me prepare for the test…
any further help wanted regarding yahoo preperation..can mail me at:
all the best to everybody…