hi all!since there were so many queries about YAHOO, I am writing this common mail for the benefit of all. I would like to remind that I got through in pre-final year placements in Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal (M P), hence if u are in final year or applying off-campus, then there may be a change in pattern. I am attaching a zipped file which contains all the material i accumulated about YAHOO. Apart from this, i would like to tell u the pattern for the complete process and my tips. I have done my best to recall as much as possible, as it has been 5 days since I took the test. The pattern was as follows:

The Following two sections (A and B) were computer based tests (not computer adaptive), to be taken on internet in ur college:
A. Aptitude section (1:30 hours):- In aptitude section, there were again three sections. You can move around to any question, skip one question and come back to it later within a section, within ur time. But once u leave a section, u can not come back again. The sections may appear in any order.

1. Verbal Reasoning – 32 questions in 40 minutes. 10 synonyms, 10 antonyms, 5 sentence completion (with multiple blanks) abd 7 questions from reading and comprehension.

2. Quantitative aptitude:- 28 questions in 40 minutes. general quant questions as asked in CAT or GRE, including time and speed, percentage, series questions, pie charts, venn diagrams, permutation-combination,  probablility, compound interest, percentage, etc.

3. Critical Reasoning :- 30 minutes. There were three word puzzles, each having 5 questions based on it. The puzzles were like there are three different ways to reach from town A to Town B, which will be the most economic way, which will be the shortest way etc. The puzzle Book of George Summers might help in this section, although presence of mind is very much required.

B. Psychometric test:- 150 questions, 30 minutes. This test will automatically appear on ur screen if u clear the cutoff for the aptitude test. The cut-off is static, i.e. it is pre-decided. it does not depend upon the number of students appearing. So once u clear the aptitude test, and if ur score is above the cutoff, psychometric test will appear on your screen. in psychometric test, there are questions about ur personality and behaviour, e.g. have u ever shown leadership quality in the arrangement of any event, are u socially active etc. All the questions have only three choices, yes, no and can’t say. The TRICK is that never mark any can’t say, and be honest in answering the questions. The same question will be asked to u in different manners and they’ll check u for ur consistency. e.g. the question about how good are u in making new friends was asked in 10 different manners. In the attached zipped file, i have included all the questions asked in psychometric test and the !
expected answers. The same questions are repeated everytime. So you can be confident in this section.

The result of psychometry test will not appear on computer screen, but will be told to u separately. Once u clear he psychometric test, u will be allowed to appear in the technical interview and will be required to fill a paper based form (same as the electronic recruitment form on the YAHOO website, in case u registered on-line)

C. Technical Interview:- You can be asked anything in your technical interview. It may be more of HR as well. Mostly, they’ll check ur learning capability, so they’ll ask u anything from any of the subjects that u have studied so far. They’ll ask you about what subjects have u studied in ur previous semesters and then what is/are your favourite subject(s) and then ask u related questions. You may also be asked about ur project thoroughly. (asking means orally or writing down, both). if you have mentioned about knowledge of programming languages, you may be asked to write down a simple program.

D. HR interview:- if u clear the technical interview (you will be told about it), then u will appear in the HR interview. Prepare for the questions like, describe yourself, why do you want to join YAHOO, why are your academics so low, etc. you may be asked about your hobbies and the questions related to them. They may also ask technical questions related to ur area of specialization (branch, i mean).
Please keep in mind that the Technical and HR interviews are not very much segregated, you may be asked anything in any interview. so be ready. The TRICK is  –  be confident and be honest. don’t try to be oversmart, and humbly admit if u dont know about anything. Learn a little bit of C and C++ programming.

My Tips:
I will suggest that u prepare for the aptitude section from Barron’s and may practice taking computer based test using Powerprep software (search “download powerprep” in Google). It is free for download. For verbal section, first master the 333 -words high frequency words-list given on the 2nd and 3rd page of the reviewing vocabulary chapter, and then proceed to the rest of the words, since the 333 words really have a high frequency of appearance in YAHOO papers. Regarding these 333 words, I took the following successful strategy:

Word list A – scan the 333 words and write down those words, whose meaning is known to u and mark these words in the book. Then verify the meanings from the book.
Word list B – from the unmarked words, now enlist those words which u think u have heard but u r not sure about the meaning. Then write down the meaning of these words from the book.
Word list C – this list will comprise of those words which are alien to you. Again enlist them and write down their meanings.

Now review Word list A, then spend some time on B. In word list C, start memorizing those words, which are short in spelling. and pay attention to those words which have unusual meanings (e.g. appropriate(v.), flag(v.)etc.). I’ll suggest also writing down the synonyms and antonyms for each word. this will help u learn more words.