Hi Friends, I am Nagarajan, a student of EEE DISCIPLINE of Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology, Sathyamangalam.Their recruitment process has the following stages:

I] Aptitude Test of 80 minutes duration. It has four sections – English, Quantitative, Verbal reasoning & Technical section which contained only C & C++.


Each section consists of 22Questions.In all there was 88 questions in my paper where as other sets had between 80 to 90. There was no negative marking .There was an sectional cut-off but there were sectional time limits of 20 minutes each. U r only allowed moving on to the next section only when the time of a section was up.


II] There was a separate technical and HR rounds.


On the next day they gave a detailed PPT before the start of the interview process. They also give u a form to fill up. U also need to bring 2 copies of ur CV and 2 photocopies of your own as they’ll take one copy of the CV(with your photo) along with the form.The duration of interviews ranged from 15 to as much as 45 minutes.


I was the last the person to attended the interview.In the Technical interview I was asked about the following questions:


* Tell about your favourite subjects?

* why did you chhose your favourite subject as DigitalLogicCircuits?

* Draw the EX-OR Gate using NAND Logic(NAND gate) and explin it with the truth table?

* what is Transistor?

* what is PNP Transistor?

* what is Triode?

* What is the difference between Stack and Queue?

* Explain about the Binary traversals?

* What is Inorder,Preorder,Postorder?

* Explin about the Software development Cycle?

* What is a register? What is the use of it?


They had asked me only the basic concepts what i had studied in my Curriculum.


(In the HR Interview they were very friendly and also they expect the frank answer from the candidates whom attended the process).In the HR I was asked about the following questions:


* firstly i was asked to tell about my family?

* what do you like most in your Institution?

* what you don’t like most in your Institution?

* what would you like like to change in your Institution?

* Why did you choosen career in EEE?

* Where would you be after 10yrs.?

* Would you like to grow in the Proffesional line?

* what are all the changes that you had observed in your Institution?

* How about the interview process?

* How do you feel about written test?

* do you have any Questions to ask me?


Finally they announced the results one day after the process was over. They selected 9 candidates. I was selected as was 9 others from my batch. We were really happy for each other.


Don’t be tensed while attending the interview.Because they were very friendly with you guys.also be confident on your self.Answer as many questions as possible in the technical session with practical examples.

The aptitude round was act as a high elimination roundfor us.The Technical section consists mostly of DBMS questions with few c and c++ questions.The analytical section consists of very simple mathematical prooblems relating with average,missing nos,etc…but they had given five sets of question papers( booklet )one for each candidate.the verbal section was also easy containing some Anagram,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words,one simple comprehension.(No need to prepare separately for verbal section).but the logical section is some what tougher than verbal section.the time management should bo very important to answer atleast 85% of the questions.It is not possible to answer correctly for all the questions,it is just enough if you answer the questions correctly of what you are doing with the help of rough sheets and using your knowledge.But there will be a sectional cutoff marks.

Prepare well & u can surely become a “ZENSARian”!