Zensar Previous Years Testt pattern

Zensar Previous Years Testt pattern and Interview procedure


Written Test:

60 ques in 60 minutes and were divided in following manner:

1.)30 ques aptitude in 30 in.

2.)20 ques opn C n DS n C++ in 20 min

3.)10 ques SQL in 10 min.


There was shortage of time experienced in apti section.In C part max ques were to predict o/p.One should have thorogh reding of Kanetkar.Aptitude ques had time,distance,percentage,profit n loss.Also from verbal they had given some jumbled sentences and v were suppose to arrange them and select apprpriate option.RS Aggrawal is enough for quanta.But speed has to be maintained…………..


There were 13 students in our grp,out of which 4were selected.

Topic was “Are men better manager then Women”.10 min were given.Prior only instructions were given that if fish mrkt is created,full grp will be disqualified.Frnds GD needs a good command on language,statistics,and strong n non repeated points.

Technical Interview:

They asked abt my project which impressed them at xtreme.Then a program of call by value n call by refrence.

My intrvw was of  about 15 min.Frnds the biggest strange thng happened with me was,after technical I was not called for HR and one of the volunteers told me that e1 my HR is Over.


Actually thng is selected me on the basis of Technical itself.They altogether selected 24 students out of which 23 students gave HR n 24th was me who was not called for HR.

I feel reason behind thi was,that I gave my technical with full confidence having command over my language.