Geometric Company Profile

Geometric Company Profile, Geometric Latest Selection Procedure, Geometric Solved Question Paper, Geometric Free Sample Placement Papers, Geometric Interview Questions and Answers


 I am Rishikant from lnct bhopal
Geometric came at BIST bhopal for campus recrutment CSE, MECH,&CIVIL branch were eligble .
critera was 65 trought.125 cndidate were appeared in this recuritment
There was two round
1. written test which consists of two section in first section there were 40 question for 15 minute question were from geometry,graph, select odd one out,graph &some were from vocab.question were easy but time was deciding factor.also negative marking of .25 was there.i was able to crack app 20 question .
In second section of wrriten it consists of 20 question they also not were technical questions they was from logical resoning ,some geometry questions and numerical
questions .In this section negative marking was of .5 .I was able to solve13 questions from this section.
result was declared  after one hour of written test.24 candidate were shortlisted for technical and HR round .I was one of them
2.Technical & HR round was at same day.
In tech &HR round HR was very friendly.
HR : Define yourself.
ME: Told
Some questions based on answere
HR : What are your fab subject.
ME: Told
Some question on operating system and on data structure were asked
HR: Do you want to ask any question
Try to ask any question
Result was announced ofter complition of this round .8 were selected & I was one of them.