Hi! This is SOURAV SETHI……….4m Kharagpur.hp conducted t recruitment at our college on 6th june 2007.

The selection process is as follows:
3.Technical Interview
4.HR Interview

1.The written test was conducted by a consultancy. It consisted of:
1.Logical analysis(25 question):The questions were not hard some of them were very easy,particularly d venn diagram question.
2.Technical(30question ):The technical question were tough,the questions were mainly 4m C,C++,rdbms n digital electronics ckt(DEC)

There were sectional cut-off. 4m around 200 candidate only 63 cleared d written test.
2.Then there was d GD.The GD topics were very simple like
a.should there b uniform dress code in college?
b.love marriage or arrange marriage
c.mercy killing(this was d topic 4 our group)

b4 d GD, d HR will ask u 2 suggest any topic, try to give d topic in which u can b comfortable.
b4 the GD d HR clearly told us what he was looking for in a GD……1st fluency   2nd accent    3rd grammer
out of 63 candidate only 22 cleared the GD

3.The Technical Interview round:
In this round ur project is going to help u a lot.
the ?s that were asked 2 me-
Tell me abt ur project?
how can ur project helpful in software field?
questions abt computer like,what storage device in comp,draw d block diagram of computer?
why do u want to join s/w?
*make sure  that while answering the questions be confident.
In this round apart 4m ur technical knowledge they r checking ur communication skills and ur way of delivering aswers.
here out of 22 candidate 11 were selected 4 d HR interview

4.HR Interview round:
It was a very easy round. here again they r concentrating on ur communication skill and ur confidence
the ?s r very easy……they asked me
Tell me something abt urself?
what social work u like to do?(as i have mentioned in my cv that i like doing social work)
Why do u do social work?
Why s/w?

Finally out of 11 candidate only 7 were selected. Luckily i was one of them. Best of luck freinds……..Hope to c u in hp