HP Placement-Paper

Hai visitors, This is RAJU,now I am studying M.C.A in GITAM.

HP visited our college on 11th and 12th .

Coming to selection procedure, there are four rounds
1.written test
3.Tech round
package is 2.9lakh p.a for B.Tech and M.C.A 3.2lakh p.a for M. Tech
Nearly 350 students attended for written test

1.WRITTEN TEST: (55M)It consists of 6 sections, for each section they gave separate papers. It is handled by Merittrak Consultancies

sec 1: analytical(25M) sec 2: C programming(10M) sec 3: general theory questions(5M) sec 4: DBMS questions(5M) sec 5: Data communication and networking(5M) sec 6: Operating systems(5M) analytical is very easy
consists of data sufficiency and interpretation type. except DCN remaining are not much tough.

After 3h they announces results. 86(29 M.C.A’s) students are short listed in this round.

2.GD:This is very cool. They selected every girl who gone through written. But gents are mostly eliminated.
Topics: 1.child labor 2.Inflation and 3.Impact of Western culture on Indians In this round 44(18 M.C.A’s) are short listed

3 .TECH: In this round there are two panels. one is eliminating and other is very good. In eliminating panel he simply concentrated on project. He selected only those who done projects and explained well(1selected out of 5). Where as in other panel he mainly asks questions on DBMS(keys, cardinality ratio, ER diagrams, Normalization etc)(4 selected out of 5).In Tech 25(10 M.C.A’s) are short listed.

4. HR: In this round only one panel is there and he asks simply about family background, tell about urself, why hp, your economical position like questions.
Oh finally at 11:30PM they announces the final results. They short listed 17(6 M.C.A’s) students.