iGate new latest campus recruitment

iGate new latest campus recruitment placement papers questions Tech HR procedure

Hi This is my first recruitment test interview in iGate shared this placement paper for you with happy…Below I describes guys my iGate experiences.  Try to practice aptitude reasoning questions Rs Agrwal Shakunathaldevi puzzles and refer sites iGate free on line mock tests this will help you friends time management .Learn practice list of all iGate previous years on line aptitude Tests aptitude reasoning solved question papers 
iGate first selection process was an online aptitude test .iGate new on line test written test pattern was….
iGate Test patter: On line Aptitude Test
No of questions : 50 (Verbal ability and general aptitude)
Time limit :1 Hour
About iGate on line aptitude test analysis
In my opinion its easy test only one thing you should concentrate timing that is important

In Verbal ability/English part mainly concentrate on the syllogism and analogy part in reasoning,

In aptitude section concentrate on ages (2-3q).
Trains (1-2).
Stocks and shares (3-4q).
Pipes (1-2q).
Time and work
Calendar colcks
Coding and decoding-one questions I remembered that
And last but not least also concentrate on problems such as if APPLE is coded as 118 then what will MONKEY codes as?
And if MON is coded as NQM then how will be SAN coded as? so these kind of questions will be there.

Nearly 350 people have attended the written test ..60 got selected in it

iGate second procedure was Technical round
In my first technical round he asked about myself
some questions based on my resume
To write a programme
iGate second technical round they were asked
4to 5 questions based on C ,C++
some puzzles

Technical round was difficult

iGate third procedure was HR round
About myself
relocation problem

These are all guys my iGate experiences.  Try to practice aptitude reasoning questions Rs Agrwas Shakunathaldevi puzzles and refer sites iGate free on line mock tests this will help you friends time management .Learn practice list of all iGate previous years on line aptitude Tests aptitude reasoning solved question papers 

thanks you….. C U in iGate