iGate Placement-Paper

iGate 2013 pool campus recruitment experience and selection procedure


It was a pool campus which included two colleges (Mumbai) 2013

The aptitude was very easy and not that hard to crack if you have done the basics .

There was a 50 mark paper which included 20 marks logical 15 marks quant and 15 marks verbal

There were pre defined cutoffs and we had to pass in all three categories separately.

Out of the 134 who appeared for the paper 68 were selected for the technical and HR rounds .

The technical round was not an elimination round and students had to give both the rounds.


Technical Interview:
Tell me about your self as I look at your resume , I Gave the same standard answer.
As I told that I had interest in Android and Liked writing technical articles he as me tell me something about ios7 At this time I became relaxed as I knew I had the ball in my court and told everything about ios 7 he was amazed the next question was how you keep your self updated instead of telling in one word “internet” I told him all the names of the website which I look at. He then told me ” As you have done android certification I can understand but how do you know about ios ,do you have Apple devices ” to which I answered no sir I use you tube .
After this he asked me about my B.E project I told him about one of the programming language being used called “processing” .As he didn’t know about it i explained it using paper and pen .


He then asked me about my seminar topic which I had implemented in practical I again explained to him the entire circuit diagram and operation.


He then told that” you have android certification , you have ccna certification , you have SAP certification hmmm” I was expecting some question about the certifications but he didn’t ask anything


.He then asked me “What would you do for the society ” I didnt expect this question but i replied with an taught of mine which I had months before” Sir I would like to give poor people the opportunity to become skilled in something (at this point of time I remembered about a new which i just read few days before )and continued ,Sir you must have seen the news that a homeless man in the US learned ios programming and published his app . He Then said ” Great meeting you this was your interview would you like to ask me some questions “I asked him what igate is doing in the mobile computing industry , he gave a reply and then we shaked hands and I left.

HR interview
It was the same standard questions
1)Whats the meaning of your name?
2)You like blogging , tell me the names of your blogs?
3)Tell we something obout the Tech industry where you see yourself in a few years?
4)Are you ready to rellocate?
5)Are you ready to leave Mumbai ,as you have stayed here all your life?
6)Are you free to work in any area?
7)Would you like to ask me some questons?

I then left

After 10 days my results were displayed and i was selected .
1)Pls hear the presentation and the introductions given by each member of the HR and technical team carefully.
As if you come to know about the expertise of each member and if you too have the same interest you can try to bring them to the same topic during the interview. The same thing happened to me)
2)Try to be confident and answer what you can using a paper and pen.
3)I t is always good to ask questions .