
11. A began a business with Rs. 85,000. He was joined afterwards by B with Rs. 42,500. For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are divided in the ratio of 3 : 1?
A. 4 months B. 5 months
C. 6 months D. 8 months

Answer: Option D



Suppose B joined for x months. Then,


Then, 85000 x 12 = 3
42500 x x 1


x = 85000 x 12 = 8.
42500 x 3

So, B joined for 8 months.

12. Aman started a business investing Rs. 70,000. Rakhi joined him after six months with an amount of Rs.. 1,05,000 and Sagar joined them with Rs. 1.4 lakhs after another six months. The amount of profit earned should be distributed in what ratio among Aman, Rakhi and Sagar respectively, 3 years after Aman started the business?
A. 7 : 6 : 10 B. 12 : 15 : 16
C. 42 : 45 : 56 D. Cannot be determined

Answer: Option B



Aman : Rakhi : Sagar = (70,000 x 36) : (1,05,000 x 30) : (1,40,000 x 24) = 12 : 15 : 16.

13. Arun, Kamal and Vinay invested Rs. 8000, Rs. 4000 and Rs. 8000 respectively in a business. Arun left after six months. If after eight months, there was a gain of Rs. 4005, then what will be the share of Kamal?
A. Rs. 890 B. Rs. 1335
C. Rs. 1602 D. Rs. 1780

Answer: Option A



Arun : Kamal : Vinay = (8,000 x 6) : (4,000 x 8) : (8,000 x 8)

= 48 : 32 : 64

= 3 : 2 : 4.


Kamal’s share = Rs. 4005 x 2 = Rs. 890.

14. Simran started a software business by investing Rs. 50,000. After six months, Nanda joined her with a capital of Rs. 80,000. After 3 years, they earned a profit of Rs. 24,500. What was Simran’s share in the profit?
A. Rs. 9,423 B. Rs. 10,250
C. Rs. 12,500 D. Rs. 10,500

Answer: Option D



Simran : Nanda = (50000 x 36) : (80000 x 30) = 3 : 4.

Simran’s share = Rs. 24500 x 3 = Rs. 10,500.