sentence improvement verbal ability questions


He should move on to the next point, and not harp one sting only.
A.     harp on string only    B.     harp only one string
C.     harp upon one string only    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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Either he or I am going.
A.     he or I are going    B.     he is going or I am
C.     I or he is going    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option D


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I hope you vividly remember the premier of the film when I, my wife and you were present in the hall.
A.     my wife, I and you    B.     you, I and my wife
C.     my wife, you and I    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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To get one’s name in the Rowland Ward’s book of hunting records was the hot ambition of every serious hunter.
A.     extreme    B.     burning
C.     high    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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Taxpayers are to be conscious of their privileges.
A.     have to    B.     need
C.     ought to    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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As she was suffering from high fever, she could not face the examination.
A.     bear    B.     suffer
C.     take    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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The demonstration passed off peacefully.
A.     passed out    B.     passed away
C.     passed on    D.     No improvement
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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