sentence improvement verbal ability questions


Every time I go in a lift to my sixth floor apartment, I remember the calm and serenity of my ancestral home in the village.
A.     move in a lift    B.     ascend in a lift
C.     take a lift    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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In fact, if it hadn’t been for his invaluable advice on so many occasions I wouldn’t have achieved anything in life.
A.     remarkable advice    B.     valuable advices
C.     priceless suggestion    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option D


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Mr. Smith arrived at India in June last year.
A.     to    B.     by
C.     in    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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But in all these cases conversion from scale have well-formulated.
A.     can be well-formulated    B.     are well-formulated
C.     well-formulated    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option B


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With a thundering roar the huge rocket soared up from the launching pad.
A.     flew up    B.     went upwards
C.     took off    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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There is dearth of woman doctor in our state. We shall have to recruit some from the other states.
A.     women doctor    B.     woman doctors
C.     women doctors    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option C


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If you cross the line you will be disqualified.
A.     cross upon the line    B.     cross on the line
C.     cross out the line    D.     No improvement
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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