spellings verbal ability questions

36. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. Exaggerate B. Exeggrate
C. Exagerate D. Exadgerate

Answer: Option A


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37. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. Asspersion B. Voluptuous
C. Voguei D. Equestrain

Answer: Option B


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38. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. Hindrance B. Hinderrance
C. Hindrence D. Hinderence

Answer: Option A


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39. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. Parallelled B. Parralleled
C. Paralleled D. Paraleled

Answer: Option C


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40. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. Lckadaisicle B. Lackdaisical
C. Lackadisical D. Lackadaisical

Answer: Option D


Lackadaisical – listless, lacking energy, lacking enthusiasm, disinterested, apathetic, lazy