closet test verbality questions

From that moment his life became intolerable. He passed his days in apprehension of each succeeding night; and …(1)… night the vision …(2)… back again. As room he …(3)… locked himself up in his room he …(4)… to struggle; but in vain. An …(5)… force lifted him up and pushed him …(6)… the glass, as if to call the phantom, and before long he saw it …(7)… in the spot where the crime was …(8)… lying with arms and legs outspread the way of body …(9)… found. Then the dead girl …(10)… and came toward him with the little steps just as the child had dome when she came out of river.

(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     all    B.     each
C.     every
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Answer: Option C


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     comes    B.     come
C.     came
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Answer: Option C


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     had been    B.     had
C.     was
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Answer: Option B


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     strives    B.     strived
C.     strove
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Answer: Option C


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     compelling    B.     irresistible
C.     overwhelming
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Answer: Option B


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     upon    B.     towards
C.     against
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Answer: Option B


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     laid    B.     lying
C.     laying
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Answer: Option B


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     perpetrated    B.     done
C.     committed
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Answer: Option C


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     has been    B.     had been
C.     was
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Answer: Option B


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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     stood up    B.     raised up
C.     rose up
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Answer: Option A


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