analogies logical reasoning questions


Careful is to cautious as boastful is to
A.     arrogant    B.     humble
C.     joyful    D.     suspicious
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


Careful and cautious are synonyms (they mean the same thing). Boastful and arrogant are also synonyms. The answer is not (choice b) because humble means the opposite of boastful. The answer is not choice c or d because neither means the same as boastful.
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Pen is to poet as needle is to
A.     thread    B.     button
C.     sewing    D.     tailor
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


A pen is a tool used by a poet. A needle is a tool used by a tailor. The answer is not choice a, b, or c because none is a person and therefore cannot complete the analogy.
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Secretly is to openly as silently is to
A.     scarcely    B.     impolitely
C.     noisily    D.     quietly
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


Secretly is the opposite of openly, and silently is the opposite of noisily. Choices a and b are clearly not the opposites of silently. (Choice d) means the same thing as silently.
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Embarrassed is to humiliated as frightened is to
A.     terrified    B.     agitated
C.     courageous    D.     reckless
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


If someone has been humiliated, they have been greatly embarrassed. If someone is terrified, they are extremely frightened. The answer is not choice b because an agitated person is not necessarily frightened. Choices c and d are incorrect because neither word expresses a state of being frightened.
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Pride is to lion as shoal is to
A.     teacher    B.     student
C.     self-respect    D.     fish
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


A group of lions is called a pride. A group of fish swim in a shoal. Teacher (choice a) and student (choice b) refer to another meaning of the word school. The answer is not (choice c) because self-respect has no obvious relationship to this particular meaning of school.

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