statement and conclusion logical question

n each of the following questions, a statement/group of statements is given followed by some conclusions. Without resolving anything yourself choose the conclusion which logically follows from the given statements).


Every man should have his identity card with him. That card should mention his blood group, complete address and telephone number for contact, in case, some serious accident takes place.
A.     Blood cannot be transfused until its group is mentioned in the card.
B.     The police needs this information especially when the accident is fatal.
C.     In case of emergency, he may forget his address and may need the card to contact his house.
D.     None is supposed to forget his phone number under any circumstances.
E.     When the seriously injured person is helpless to tell his blood group, this information would suffice to indicate the required blood group.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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In this company, 60 per cent of the employees are males, 40 per cent are females, 80 per cent of the employees are sincere and 40 per cent of the employees are from this city – Rawalpura.
A.     All male employees are from out station.
B.     All male employees are sincere.
C.     20 per cent of female employees are not sincere.
D.     All female employees are from Rawalpura.
E.     None of these
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option E


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All beggars are poor.
A.     If A is a beggar, then A is not rich.
B.     If A is not rich, then A is not a beggar.
C.     All those who are poor are beggars.
D.     If A is rich, then A is not a beggar.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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This book can help because all good books help.
A.     This is not a good book.
B.     This is a good book.
C.     No good book helps.
D.     Some good books help.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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Hitesh told Mohit a ghost lived by the peepal tree on the outskirts of the village.
A.     Peepal trees grow on the outskirts of the village.
B.     Ghosts live on peepal trees.
C.     Hitesh perhaps believed in the stories of ghosts.
D.     Mohit must be afraid of ghosts.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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