classification verbality question

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, some groups of letters are given, all of which, except one, share a common similarity while one is different. Choose the odd one out.


Choose the odd one out.
A.     VRT    B.     RMP
C.     YUW    D.     FBD
E.     MIK
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


In all other groups, the second, third and first letters are alternate letters of the alphabet in order.

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Choose the odd one out.
A.     DAH    B.     IFM
C.     ROV    D.     QNT
E.     SPW
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


In all other groups, first letter is 3 steps ahead of the second and third letters is 4 steps ahead of the first.

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Choose the odd one out.
A.     GE    B.     MK
C.     WU    D.     QN
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


All other groups contain two alternate letters in reverse order.

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Choose the odd one out.
A.     AE    B.     AI
C.     IO    D.     EI
E.     OU
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


All other groups contain two consecutive vowels of the English alphabet.

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Choose the odd one out.
A.     EBA    B.     XUT
C.     TQP    D.     JFE
E.     YVU
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


In all other groups, the third and second letters are consecutive and first letter is three steps ahead of the second.

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