classification of verbality question

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, certain pairs of words are given, out of which the words in all pairs except one, bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related.

11. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related from the rest.
A. Twigs : Nest
B. Wood : Furniture
C. Pitcher : Pottery
D. Gold : Ornaments

Answer: Option C



In all other pairs, first is the material used to make the second.

12. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related from the rest.
A. Crime : Punishment
B. Judgement: Advocacy
C. Enterprise : Success
D. Exercise : Health

Answer: Option B



In all other pairs, second is the result of the first.

13. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related from the rest.
A. Hard : Soft
B. Long: High
C. Sweet : Sour
D. Pointed : Blunt

Answer: Option B



The words in all other pairs are antonyms of each other.

14. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related from the rest.
A. Saw : Wood
B. Pen : Paper
C. Author : Book
D. Chalk : Blackboard

Answer: Option C



In all other pairs, first is the tool which works over the second.

15. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related from the rest.
A. Flurry : Blizzard
B. Moisten: Drench
C. Prick : Stab
D. Scrub : Polish

Answer: Option A



In all other pairs, second is of higher intensity than the first.

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