Inheritance c programming questions


Multiple inheritance is different from multiple levels of inheritance.
A.     True    B.     False
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Answer: Option A


Multiple inheritance means deriving a class from more than one classes. On the other hand, multiple levels of inheritance means a class has been derived from a base class and the base class itself has been derived from another base class. Multiple inheritance is not permitted in C#.NET.
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An object of a derived class cannot access private members of base class.
A.     True    B.     False
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Answer: Option A


The private members of the base class are never accessible outside the class.
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The way a derived class member function can access base class public members, the base class member functions can access public member functions of derived class.
A.     True    B.     False
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Answer: Option B


Base class cannot access derived class members since it does not have any knowledge of the derived class.
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There is no private or protected inheritance in C#.NET.
A.     True    B.     False
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Answer: Option A


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We can derive a class from a base class even if the base class’s source code is not available.
A.     True    B.     False
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


We can derive from a base class even if it is present in an assembly.

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