Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is at
A. Darjeeling B. Dehradun
C. Marmago D. Dispur
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Answer: Option A
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Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit was
A. a German Physicist
B. developed the mercury thermometer in 1714
C. devised temperature scale
D. All of the above
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Answer: Option D
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During the first crusade, crusaders reached Jerusalem and captured it in
A. 1000 AD B. 1099 AD
C. 1200 AD D. 1515 AD
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Answer: Option B
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Dr. Linus Carl Pauling is the only person to have won two Nobel prizes individually for
A. Chemistry in 1954, Peace Prize in 1962
B. Peace Prize in 1954, Chemistry in 1962
C. Physics in 1954, Medicine in 1962
D. Medicine in 1954, Physics in 1962
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Answer: Option A
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Free market is
A. a condition in the international market where nations do not impose customs duty or other taxes on import of goods
B. market where the price of a commodity is determined by free play of the forces of supply and demand
C. ports that are exempted from payment of customs duty on articles of commerce, primarily to encourage tourism
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option B
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East Timor, which became the 191st member of the UN, is in the continent of
A. Asia B. Africa
C. Europe D. South America
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Answer: Option A
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