basic general knowledge questions


How many times has Brazil won the World Cup Football Championship?
A.     Four times
B.     Twice
C.     Five times
D.     Once
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Answer: Option C


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If speed of rotation of the earth increases, weight of the body
A.     increases
B.     remains unchanged
C.     decreases
D.     may decrease or increase
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Answer: Option C


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In August, 1996 at Kolar(near Bangalore), India made successful test flights of Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) named
A.     Arjun    B.     Nishant
C.     Vijayanta    D.     Lakshya
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Answer: Option B


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IDA stands for
A.     Indian Development Agency
B.     International Development Agency
C.     Industrial Development Analyses
D.     None of the above
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Answer: Option B


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Indira Gandhi was assassinated in
A.     1974    B.     1984
C.     1994    D.     2004
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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