INS Agrani (Petty Officers’ School) is situated at
A. Mumbai B. Jamnagar
C. Coimbatore D. Lonavla
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Answer: Option C
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Hybridization is
A. downward movement of water through soil
B. a process of tilling the land
C. decayed vegetable matter
D. cross-fertilization between two varieties
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Answer: Option D
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In which world cup cricket final, Australia beat England?
A. 1983, Lord’s – England
B. 1987, Kolkata – India
C. 1992, Melbourne – Australia
D. 1996, Lahore – Pakistan
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Answer: Option B
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India is the ____ grower of pulses.
A. largest
B. smallest
C. appropriate for national need
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option A
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In cricket, a run taken when the ball passes the batsman without touching his bat or body is called
A. leg bye
B. bye
C. bosie
D. drive
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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