Squadron leader Rakesh Sharma was India’s first man to go into space. He was ____ cosmonaut to be in space in the world.
A. 12th B. 107th
C. 139th D. 151st
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Answer: Option C
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Philology is the
A. study of bones
B. study of muscles
C. study of architecture
D. science of languages
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Answer: Option D
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The 2006 World Cup Football Tournament held in
A. France B. China
C. Germany D. Brazil
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
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Satellite launching station is located at
A. Sriharikotta (Andhra Pradesh)
B. Solapur (Maharashtra)
C. Salem (Tamilnadu)
D. Warangal (Andhra Pradesh)
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Answer: Option A
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The ‘Black flag’ signifies
A. revolution/danger B. peace
C. protest D. truce
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Answer: Option C
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Republican party is
A. One of the important parties in USA
B. the political parties which has no definite principles
C. the political party which changes with the change in the times and circumstances in the country
D. All of the above
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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