Raja Rammohan Roy
A. was a social reformer who tried to eradicate sati, purdah and child marriage
B. advocated widow remarriage and woman’s education
C. was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj
D. All of the above
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Answer: Option D
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South Indian temples have
A. tall towers with curving sides that taper at the top
B. gateway towers shaped like trapezoidal pyramids
C. both are correct
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option B
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South Africa joined the Commonwealth as 51st member in
A. May 1993
B. May 1994
C. May 1995
D. May 1996
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Answer: Option B
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Recently lead free petrol was introduced in our country because
A. they are not needed now as anti-knock agents
B. they tower the efficiency of the engine
C. they cause less pollution
D. to reduce the cost of petrol
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Answer: Option C
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Rabindranath Tagore receive Nobel Prize in 1913 in the field of
A. physics B. peace
C. literature D. economy
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Answer: Option C
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People who secretly indulge in anti-national or anti-government activities and help the enemy are called
A. Second column
B. Third column
C. Fourth column
D. Fifth column
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Answer: Option D
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