basic general knowledge questions


The first meeting of the UN General Assembly was held in which of the following cities?
A.     London
B.     New York
C.     San Francisco
D.     Teheran
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Answer: Option A


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The first rice straw power plant has been set up at
A.     Kolkata
B.     Jalkheri, Punjab
C.     Trombay, Maharashtra
D.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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The founder member of EFTA are
A.     Austria, Denmark, Norway
B.     Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland
C.     UK, Austria, Sweden
D.     All of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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The first historical mention of the holding of the ancient Olympic Games occurred about
A.     2000 years ago
B.     2250 years ago
C.     2500 years ago
D.     2775 years ago
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Answer: Option D


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The first Afro-Asian Games were held in
A.     Hyderabad    B.     Sydney
C.     Cairo    D.     Kuala Lumpur
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


The first Afro-Asian Games were held between October 24, 2003 and November 1, 2003 in Hyderabad, India.
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The first meeting of the SAARC was opened in
A.     Dhaka, Bangladesh
B.     Bangalore, India
C.     Kathmandu, Nepal
D.     Islamabad, Pakistan
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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