The chief of the Army staff is assisted by
A. Vice-chief of the Army Staff
B. Principal staff officers such as Deputy Chief, Adjutant General, Military Secretary
C. both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option C
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The dance performed by women to invoke rain in Bihar is
A. Jata Jatin
B. Faguna or Fog
C. Purbi
D. Bihu
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Answer: Option A
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The department of Atomic Energy was established in
A. 1948 B. 1954
C. 1963 D. 1971
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Answer: Option B
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The exhaled air contains
A. carbon dioxide only
B. a mixture which has more carbon dioxide than oxygen
C. a mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen in which nitrogen has the highest percentage
D. a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen
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Answer: Option C
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The full-fledged Commonwealth Games were first organized in ____ at ____
A. 1930; Hamilton in Canada
B. 1934; London in England
C. 1932; Sydney in Australia
D. 1936; Cardiff in UK
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Answer: Option A
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Wright Brothers are regarded inventors of the
A. Balloon B. Bicycle
C. Aeroplane D. None of the above
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Answer: Option C
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