basic general knowledge questions


The main objectives of the UN are
A.     to maintain peace and security in the world
B.     to work together to remove poverty, disease and illiteracy and encourage respect for each other’s rights of basic freedom.
C.     to develop friendly relations among nations
D.     All of the above
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Answer: Option D


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The headquarter of ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia are situated at
A.     Bangkok
B.     Geneva
C.     Santiago (Chile)
D.     Baghdad
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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The industrial organization of Atomic Minerals Division, Heavy Water Board (HWB) is located at
A.     Mumbai    B.     Kolkata
C.     Hyderabad    D.     Jadugude, Bihar
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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The Indian Air Force celebrated its Golden Jubilee in
A.     1962    B.     1972
C.     1982    D.     1992
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


The Indian Air Force was officially established on 8th October 1932, and on 1st April 1954, Air Marshal Subroto Mukherjee, one of the founding members of the Air Force took over as the first Indian Chief of Air Staff.
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The headquarter of OAU (Organization of African Unity) are at
A.     Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
B.     Washington DC
C.     Paris
D.     Jakarta, Indonesia
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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The headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are situated at
A.     Vienna    B.     Geneva
C.     Rome    D.     Paris
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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