basic general knowledge questions


The measurement of Lawn Tennis court for singles
A.     70 ft. by 26 ft.
B.     78 ft. by 27 ft.
C.     70 ft. by 30 ft.
D.     78 ft. by 38 ft.
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Answer: Option B


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The main credit of the concept of Non-aligned Movement goes to
A.     Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, India
B.     Marshal Tito – President of Yugoslavia
C.     Dr. Sukarno – President of Indonesia
D.     G. A. Nassir – President of Egypt
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Answer: Option A


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The Kvinna Till Kvinna foundation (Sweden) was award Right Livelihood Award in 2002 for
A.     its remarkable successes in healing the wounds of ethnic hatred and war, by helping women, often the prime victims, to be the major agents of reconciliation and peace-building
B.     outstanding courage and persistent efforts to expose and bring to account the tortures
C.     Their exemplary and indomitable courage and compassion, which have proved that, even after murderous civil war, young people from different ethnic groups can learn to live and build a future together in peace and harmony
D.     None of the above
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Answer: Option A


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The main purpose of International Bank for Reconstruction (IBRD) is
A.     development of economics of members by facilitating investment of capital and foreign investment, through provision of loans
B.     promotes co-operation on technical matters of maritime safety, navigation and encourages anti-pollution measures
C.     attainment of the highest possible level of health by all people
D.     None of the above
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Answer: Option A


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The headquarter of the United Nations is at
A.     Geneva
B.     Paris
C.     New York
D.     Washington, D.C.
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Answer: Option C


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The main purpose of the Group of 77 was
A.     sustained economic growth
B.     to promote African unity and solidarity
C.     to defend the economic and trade interests of the developing nations of the world
D.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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