indian history gk questions


The Vedic deity Indra was the Goddess of

A.     wind
B.     eternity
C.     rain and thunder
D.     fire
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Answer: Option C


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Tolkappiyam is associated with the

A.     first Sangam period
B.     second Sangam period
C.     third Sangam period
D.     post-third Sangam period
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Answer: Option B


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Pulakesin II was the most famous ruler of

A.     Chalukyas    B.     Cholas
C.     Pallavas    D.     Satavahanas
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Answer: Option A


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The term Brahmadeya occurs for the first time in

A.     early Vedic texts
B.     early Buddhist texts
C.     pre-Gupta inscriptions
D.     post-Gupta inscriptions
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Answer: Option C


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Under whose leadership was the all India Muslim League set up?

A.     Mohammed Ali Jinnah
B.     Sayyid Ahmed Khan
C.     Aga Khan
D.     All of the above
E.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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