Who fits with this description ‘Indian Cotton merchant, Banker, Congressman, a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi’?
A. M. R. Jayakar
B. V. S. Sastri
C. G. D. Birla
D. Jamanlal Bajaj
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Answer: Option C
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Pandit Jasraj has established his reputation in which of the following fields?
A. Music B. Literature
C. Sanskrit D. Dance
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Answer: Option A
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Ustad Nisar hussain Khan earned distinction in which of the following fields?
A. Vocal Music
B. Instrumental music
C. Acting
D. Classical dance
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Answer: Option A
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R. K. Laxman is a renowned
A. Dance master
B. Writer
C. Cartoonist
D. Journalist
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Answer: Option C
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Dr. Amiya Chakravarthy is known for his
A. work in the Chipko movement
B. composing music for Ray’s films
C. being literary Secretary to R. N. Tagore
D. patenting a living organism